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I am using Link inside components to go different pages like

 <Link to={'/documents/' +}></Link

However, this causes SEO problems as the meta tags are not refreshing when a page changes. I am also using Server Side Rendering.

What would be the right way to use Link to still have fluent page changes and still have SEO optimizations.




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you @luiz-mariz, I am already using react-helmet but the problem was that I was getting the page information in componentDidMount() however when I do this, the information is not read by the crawlers because they won't wait for API call to pass down information about the content. That was my mistake.

    The way I solved it was using getting the specific page information and before page is loaded (using Server Side Rendering) and then passing that information onto the App component.

    onPageLoad((sink) => {
      const context = {};
      const data = {
        loading: true,
        loggingIn: false,
        document:-API CALL FOR DOCUMENT INFO-
      const store = createStore(mainReducer, data, applyMiddleware(thunk));
      const initialData = store.getState();
      const stylesheet = new ServerStyleSheet();
      const app = renderToString(stylesheet.collectStyles( // eslint-disable-line
        <Provider store={store}>
          <StaticRouter location={sink.request.url} context={context}>
            <App />
      const helmet = Helmet.renderStatic();
      sink.renderIntoElementById('react-root', app);
          window.__PRELOADED_STATE__ = ${JSON.stringify(initialData).replace(/</g, '\u003c')}

    Also, I have added some more tags to the react-helmet component. Might be useful for some people who want to use facebook or twitter sharing capabilities.

    const SEO = ({
      schema, title, description, images, path, contentType, published, updated, category, tags, twitter,
    }) => (
        <html lang="en" itemScope itemType={`${schema}`} />
        <meta name="description" content={description} />
        <meta itemProp="name" content={title} />
        <meta itemProp="description" content={description} />
        <meta itemProp="image" content={(images &&} />
        <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
        <meta name="twitter:site" content="@sitename" />
        <meta name="twitter:title" content={`${title} | Your-site-name`} />
        <meta name="twitter:description" content={description} />
        <meta name="twitter:creator" content={`@${twitter}` || '@sitename'} />
        <meta name="twitter:image:src" content={(images && images.twitter)} />
        <meta property="og:title" content={`${title} | Your-site-name`} />
        <meta property="og:type" content={contentType} />
        <meta property="og:url" content={url} />
        <meta property="og:image" content={(images && images.facebook)} />
        <meta property="og:description" content={description} />
        <meta property="og:site_name" content="your-site-name" />
        <meta name="fb:app_id" content="your-app-id" />
        {published ? <meta name="article:published_time" content={published} /> : ''}
        {updated ? <meta name="article:modified_time" content={updated} /> : ''}
        {category ? <meta name="article:section" content={category} /> : ''}
        {tags ? <meta name="article:tag" content={tags} /> : ''}

  2. Personally i use to create a SEO component in my projects to avoid problems. I also like to use react-helmet, wich will manage all changes to the <head/>

    For example:

    import Helmet from "react-helmet";
    import React from "react";
    // mini SEO component
    function SEO ({ title, description, keywords, url, lang }) {
        return (
                htmlAttributes={{ lang }}
                title={{ title }}
                        name: 'description',
                        content: description
                        name: 'keywords',
                        content: keywords
                        property: 'og:url',
                        content: url
    export default SEO;

    So, import it in each page with the desired props


    Hope it helps.

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