I’m using the Timber plugin with Underscores.me template (https://github.com/timber/starter-theme) to create a website.
I used the Yoast and SEO Framework plugin and both create an issue!
When I add a description in the meta of a page, Timber doesn’t work anymore. There is no error message. But content is empty.
I have:
WordPress 4.9.2
Timber Version 1.6.0
The SEO Framework Version 3.0.3
Do you have an idea why?
I tried to uninstall all the plugins one by one. Apparently, the problem does not come from another plugin.
I think the problem comes from the theme itself.
I also noticed that the template "html-header.twig" contained meta fields for the title and the description. However, when an SEO plugin is activated, these metas remain in the source code. What creates a duplicate ...
Also, after installing the debug bar, I do not see any errors. The situation is very strange. Because once a description of the page is introduced in the SEO plugin, Twig queries are empty ...
I do not know if there is an error in my twig queries. Here they are:
Page digital.php
Page digital.twig
Did I do something wrong?
Why would you run another SEO plugin, next to Yoast ? What does it offer that Yoast can’t ?
I run Yoast SEO and Timber on all my sites without issues and I never experienced anything it couldn’t handle.