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trying to have the "add to cart" button as a hover when mouse goes over that product. Currently its like this in boxes underneath each product.

Is it a simple solution or do I require more complex coding for this in Shopify back-end?

enter image description here



  1. function main(){
    document.getElementById('cart').style.color = 'white';
    document.getElementById('cart').style.background-color = 'black';
    document.getElementById('cart').style.translateY = '-50%';
    document.getElementById('item').style.opacity = '24%';
    document.getElementById('cart').style.opacity = '100%';
    <div class = "item" onmouseover=main()>
     give cart's id as cart
     give item's id as item
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  2. Below is the potential code. "Potential" – because I am able to display floating add to cart button when mouse hovers over a product. Issue is when I try to click that floating add to cart button, it is not receiving click event even if i have captured its click event via some other javascript.If someone can suggest some improvement to this, we would have working , floating add to cart button. Thanks

    const productCardWrappers = document.querySelectorAll('.product-card-wrapper');
    // Loop through each instance and add event listeners
    productCardWrappers.forEach((productCardWrapper) => {
        // Get the Add to Cart button element within the current instance
        const addToCartButton = productCardWrapper.querySelector('.variant-button');
        // Add a mouseover event listener to the current instance
        productCardWrapper.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
            // Show the Add to Cart button when the mouse is over the current product card
   = 'block';
        // Add a mouseout event listener to the current instance to hide the button
        productCardWrapper.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
            // Hide the Add to Cart button when the mouse leaves the current product card
   = 'none';
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