I am trying to create Tabs and have JSX Components dynamically placed into each Tab as content. I am using React and Polaris as I am creating a new Shopify App.
I cannot seem to work out how to do this – I am very new to Javascript/Typescript and even React.
I have all the Tabs working showing the correct details in each, but I cannot pull the child JSX ‘DesignForm’ and make it show as within the First Tab.
import React, { Children } from "react";
import { Card, Page, Layout, TextContainer, Image, Stack, Link, Heading, Tabs} from "@shopify/polaris";
import {ReactNode, useState, useCallback} from 'react';
import { DesignForm } from "../designform/DesignForm";
export function NavTabs() {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(0);
interface childrenProps {
children: JSX.Element;
const index = ({ children }: childrenProps) => {
return (
<DesignForm />
const handleTabChange = useCallback(
(selectedTabIndex) => setSelected(selectedTabIndex),
const tabs = [
id: 'all-customers-4',
content: 'All',
accessibilityLabel: 'All customers',
panelID: 'all-customers-content-4',
children: DesignForm,
id: 'accepts-marketing-4',
content: 'Accepts marketing',
panelID: 'accepts-marketing-content-4',
id: 'repeat-customers-4',
content: 'Repeat customers',
panelID: 'repeat-customers-content-4',
id: 'prospects-4',
content: 'Prospects',
panelID: 'prospects-content-4',
return (
disclosureText="More views"
<Card.Section title={tabs[selected].content}>
<p>Tab {selected} selected</p>
<Card.Section children={tabs[selected].children}></Card.Section>
Your children (i.e DesignForm) is a function here you should set the children to your component instead
You also could replace
Few pointers
Move this outside of the component for performance reasons, and React components should start with Capital letter
interface childrenProps {
children: JSX.Element;
If this is static move it outside the component, as it will be recreated in every render
Create a component map, or something similar to this
Hope this helps you in some way to find a good solution