I have the following list
['BILL FROM:', 'TestCorp', 'USA, NY 02123, Washington St.', 'New York, NY, 02123', 'United States', '[email protected]', 'BILL TO:', 'Yao Min', 'LA, 2123, Los Angeles', 'new York, NY, 9803432', 'United States', '[email protected]', 'INVOICE #', '01', 'INVOICE DATE', '2022-08-05', 'AMOUNT DUE', '$36.79', 'SUBTOTAL', '$36.74', 'TAX (0.13%)', '$0.05', 'TOTAL', '$36.79', 'Item', 'Description', 'Quantity', 'Unit Cost', 'Line Total', 'Pen', 'Pen, black coloe', '1.5', '$1.16', '$1.74', 'Book', 'Calculus, Zorych, pt. 1', '3.5', '$10.00', '$35.00', 'Powered by Shopify', 'www.shopify.com']
and I’m tryin to convert it to dictionary to get something like this:
{'Bill From:': 'TestCorp',...,'Powered by Shopify': 'www.shopify.com'}
So, every key in the dict should be i-th elemnt from my list, each value – i+1 element from the list. I’m trying to loop through that list taking each pair of it’s elements and put it into empty dict:
res_dct = {prepared_data[i]: prepared_data[i + 1] for i in range(, len(prepared_data))}
But I’m getting an error
IndexError: list index out of range
I have tried this code with smaller list and it worked!
>>> lst = ['a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3]
>>> res_dct = {lst[i]: lst[i + 1] for i in range(0, len(lst), 2)}
>>> res_dct
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
So what’s wrong? If somebody has any ideas please help me figure that out. Thank you!
You can do with
,I think that your code is correct for lists that have an even number of elements, so they can be converted to dicts; but you get the error when it’s a list with odd number of elements, that cannot be converted to dict because an element is alone and cannot be paired to form a key-value pair.