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I am very new to Strapi and I have bigcommerce theme where I should implement content from Strapi.

How can I import content from Strapi to my bigcommerce theme?

In my bigcommerce theme I have config.json where I have these fields :

> - I doubt that this is not correctly set, because I dont see other way to connect strapi with my bigcommerce theme.
>     "settings": {
>     "strapi_base_url": "what should I put here?(is it url with my cms admin strapi url?)",
>     "integration_server_base_url": "And same question, what is integration_server_base_url, where I can find it?",
>     "google_captcha_key": "/",
>     "bc_app_client_id": "/",
>     "google_site_verification": "/",
>     ...
>     }

In short I need to populate a theme with content from Strapi.

Thanks on your time, and every advice would be nice! 🙂



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Big thanks for your answer! My problem was that i couldn't get/display the strap content in the bigcommerce theme which i setup locally. I managed to start a project/bigcommerce theme locally with all the content from strapi. I used stencil init and finally get job done! Reason for not getting Strapi content locally in my BC theme was name of folder and path was not appropriate. I had in the name of the folder "+ ( ) -) and that was a reason :D. I spent a couple of days, now is all ok! :) Big thanks again for help! :) – Dejan just now Edit Delete

  2. To accomplish this, I believe you’ll have to integrate Strapi to the BigCommerce theme – likely using the Scripts API and this Strapi doc:

    Depending on what you’re wanting to import into BC, the method could be different.
    For example, with importing products to your BC store, you can do a mass import with BC with an external csv file. So if you can export that data into this format the import process is lined out for you here:
    Video on Importing Products
    Import/Export Overview

    However, that example is with a store rather than a theme. Importing to a theme may be a little more complex.

    If I may ask — what all types of content are you trying to export from Strapi?
    I’m looking into their docs to see what is possible, as well as reaching out to my team to look for some additional help. 🙂

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