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I have made a page (on Shopify) and I made there a fixed “go to top” arrow on the left bottom. It’s okay, but when I scroll to the page bottom the arrow is will be in front of the footer, and I want it to stay above the footer.

Here is the code that I use:

$(document).ready(function() {			
  $(window).scroll(function() {
    if ($(this).scrollTop() > 200) {
    } else {

  $('.go-top').click(function(event) {

    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 300);
.go-top {
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 2em;
  right: 0.5em;
  text-decoration: none;
  font-size: 40px;
<script src=""></script>
<a href="#" class="go-top"> &#x2191; </a>



  1. add z-index to the css.
    something like:

    z-index: 100000

    make the number as large as needed for it to be on top.

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  2.     $(document).ready(function() {		
          $(window).scroll(function() {
       //--------------------------- Lines added ------------------------//
           var footertotop = ($('.footer').position().top);
           var scrolltop = $(document).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight;
           var difference = scrolltop-footertotop;
          if (scrolltop > footertotop) {
            $('.go-top').css({'bottom' : difference});
            $('.go-top').css({'bottom' : 10});
      //--------------------------- end ---------------------------------//
          if ($(this).scrollTop() > 200) {
          } else {
          $('.go-top').click(function(event) {
            $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 300);
    .go-top {
      position: fixed;
      bottom: 20px;
      display:none; // <---- Dont display on page load
      right: 0.5em;
      text-decoration: none;
      font-size: 40px;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="go-top"> &#x2191; </a>
    <div class="footer"></div>
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