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I have a Shopify store with an unfulfilled order and have access to the store’s REST API.

The order has been shipped and I have its tracking_number, tracking_url and the transport_company.

I want to use the REST API to set the order to fulfilled and send the tracking_number, tracking_url and transport_company info to the customer.


I have the order’s id in Shopify, the order_id, such that I can get the order’s fulfillment_orders item and from there the fulfillment_id and location_id like so,

fulfillment_orders = requests.get(shop_url + '/orders/'+ order_id +'/fulfillment_orders.json').json()   
fulfillment_id = str(fulfillment_orders['fulfillment_orders'][0]['id'])
location_id = requests.get(shop_url + '/locations.json').json()['locations'][0]['id']   

where shop_url is the url needed to connect to the store.

So far the code works.

Then, I set up the payload,

payload = {
        "notify_customer": 'false',
        "location_id": location_id,        
            "tracking_url": tracking_url,
            "tracking_company": transport_company,
            "tracking_number": tracking_number,            

where location_id is an integer and the other variables are strings.

When I subsequently run the following request to insert the information into the order,

r = + '/fulfillments/' + fulfillment_id + '/update_tracking.json',

I get a <Response [400]>.


What am I doing wrong?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The correct way to do it is discussed here.

    Assuming you have the shopify order id order_id and the shop_url, the following code will set an order as fulfilled,

    # get order fulfillment id 
    fulfillment_orders = requests.get(shop_url + '/orders/'+ order_id +'/fulfillment_orders.json').json()     
    fulfillment_id = fulfillment_orders['fulfillment_orders'][0]['id']
    location_id = requests.get(shop_url + '/locations.json').json()['locations'][0]['id']   
    # get orders fulfillment line items 
    # note: if you want to fulfill only certain products in the order with the tracking code,
    # here's where you select these products. Right now, the code isn't doing this 
    fulfillment_order_line_items = []
    for item in fulfillment_orders['fulfillment_orders'][0]['line_items']:
                'id': item['id'],
                'quantity': item['quantity'],
    # set up payload
    payload = {
                "notify_customer": 'false',
                "location_id": location_id,        
                    "url": tracking_url,
                    "company": transport_company,
                    "number": tracking_number,            
                "line_items_by_fulfillment_order": [
                        "fulfillment_order_id": fulfillment_id,
                        "fulfillment_order_line_items": fulfillment_order_line_items
    # parse tracking info
    r = + '/fulfillments.json',

  2. For me it was a mix of solutions the accepted answer sadly didnt work straight away for me.

    First of all you need the fulfillments of a given order – this is the endpoint:

    GET  https://<<YOUR-SHOP>>/admin/api/2022-04/orders/<<ORDER-ID>>/fulfillment_orders.json?status=open

    Be aware there can be more than one fulfillment per order. I recommend to use the status=open flag. Otherwise you also get previously closed fulfillments like e.g. if you fulfilled it earlier and set it back to unfulfilled. Since they are closed I wouldn’t request them. Funfact you can’t open this endpoint via Firefox use chrome or a real api platform instead.

    GET  https://<<YOUR-SHOP>>/admin/api/2022-04/locations.json

    You get the Location ID from this endpoint.

    Here comes the next pitfal. For me it was not enough to simply call api/orders/fulfillments.json. I had to provide the ORDER-ID again like in the first call.

    POST  https://<<YOUR-SHOP>>/admin/api/2022-04/orders/<<ORDER-ID>>/fulfillments.json

    This is the payload:

      "fulfillment": {
        "line_items_by_fulfillment_order": [
            "fulfillment_order_id": "5859341008918",
            "fulfillment_order_line_items": [
                "id": "12675478814742",
                "quantity": "3"
        "tracking_info": {
          "number": "1234",
          "url": "",
          "company": "Fake Company"
        "notify_customer": false,
        "origin_address": null,
        "message": "test message"
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