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By clicking on the X. I want to hide the div that houses my iFrame. I inserted the iFrame with jQuery. I created a jsFiddle with my example. Right now if I can just get “clicked” into the console when clicking on the X I’ll be happy.

Here is my jQuery that inserts and tries to hid the div that contains my iFrame.

  if (document.location.pathname === '/account'){
  console.log("loaded up");

$('#fresh-credit-button').on('click', function(){


I don’t have cross domain issues because I am using an appProxy thru Shopify.



  1. You can do it like this if you already fixed the cross-domain issue.

    Get the reference to that iframe:

    var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe[src=""]')

    Then from there do it like this below:

    var innerDoc = (iframe.contentDocument) ? iframe.contentDocument : iframe.contentWindow.document;

    Then attach the onclick event

    var closeBtn = innerDoc.getElementById('fresh-credit-button');
        //close div here
        //same idea when accessing the div element from the iframe

    This is only written in native JS, you can do it via jQuery if you want. I hope it helps you find a way in fixing from your end as I couldn’t create a snippet.

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  2. Hmm… You could try streaming the website from jquery like this:


    Unfortunately this can’t run on jsfiddle due to it blocking jquery html from other sources

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