Selenium fails to locate the iframe by ID
and Name
This is for an automated checkout test on Shopify. The specific issue lies within the payment field. I found the ID and name of the iframe
, which is card-fields-number-b1kh6njydiv00000
iframe Image:
Text Field Image:
Code trials:
System.out.println("Found iframe");
The error is:
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchFrameException: No frame element found by name or id card-fields-number-b1kh6njydiv00000
My solution was to look for keywords that are the exact same for different dynamic id's. In this case, it was "card-fields-name". I did this by using the XPath locator.
Are you tried to use driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); before switchTo.frame ?
Maybe you aren’t out of all the frames
I guess the frame name or ID is dynamic each time.In that case use index to identify the frame.
Hope this helps
It is possible to use XPath for this I believe. You will need to find the IFrame IWebElement with XPath, and then pass the IWebElement into the SwitchTo().Frame()
As per the images you have shared the
is having dynamic attributes so to locate and switch to the desired<iframe>
you have to:You can use either of the following solutions: