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I am trying to make a app with as the backend. I’ve been following this tutorial to load my app in the shopify admin, and I need to modify x-frame-options header.

This is my plug:

@doc false
def init(opts \ %{}), do: Enum.into(opts, %{})

@doc false
def call(%{params: %{"shop" => shopify_domain}} = conn, _opts) do
  IO.puts("++++++++++ Plug Call ++++++++++++++")
  # %{"shopify_domain" => shopify_domain_only} = shopify_domain
  shop = ShopifyApp.find_shop_by(shopify_domain)

  allow_shop_or_halt(conn, shop)

def call(conn, _opts), do: conn

defp allow_shop_or_halt(conn, nil), do: Conn.halt(conn)

defp allow_shop_or_halt(conn, shop) do
  |> Conn.put_private(:shop, shop)
  |> Conn.put_resp_header("x-frame-options", "ALLOW-FROM https://#{shop.shopify_domain}/")

But the console in the Chrome browser complains that:

Invalid ‘X-Frame-Options’ header encountered when loading …..:
ALLOW-FROM‘ is not a recognized
directive. The header will be ignored.

What am I missing here?



  1. Yes, that’s a documented issue. According to the spec, this does not work in Chrome or Safari. You can do one of two things:

    1. Don’t set the Header

    You can do this by not using :put_secure_browser_headers plug in the first place or deleting x-frame-options header (after calling it):

    delete_resp_header(conn, "x-frame-options")

    2. Use Content-Security-Policy

    The second option is to specify your domain in frame-ancestors sources in the CSP headers for full support. You may choose to use both X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy or just CSP:

    |> put_resp_header("X-Frame-Options", "ALLOW-FROM")
    |> put_resp_header("Content-Security-Policy", "frame-ancestors;")
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  2. I used NGINX to (un-)set these headers. I’ll post the solution here because it took me a while to figure this out. Releasing a new application version was not an option.


        # I used this inside the location / { at the very END
        proxy_hide_header x-frame-options;
        proxy_set_header x-frame-options "ALLOW-FROM blabla";
        add_header x-frame-options "ALLOW-FROM blabla";
    } # close location

    Run service nginx reload to enable the change.

    I know this answer has nothing to do with shopify, but it removes the header from the proxy app (phoenix).

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