I hope you are doing well. Recently, I encountered an issue with my code after making modifications to remove the popup of the side bar cart. The problem now is that the counter no longer increments when items are added to the cart using the quick add button. Strangely, the counter only reflects the correct number of items added when I refresh the page, which was not the case before I made the code changes.
I would be extremely grateful if anyone could kindly assist me with this issue. Below is the modified code I used to remove the popup:
function onQuickBuyButtonClicked(id, pro_id) {
const CartCount = document.getElementsByClassName('Header__CartCount')[0];
$(".loader_" + id).addClass("add-success--adding");
const product = {
id: id,
quantity: 1
type: 'POST',
url: '/cart/add.js',
data: JSON.stringify(product),
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
success: function(cart) {
setTimeout(function() {
$(".loader_" + id).removeClass("add-success--adding");
$(".loader_" + id).addClass("add-success--added");
// cartRecommended(pro_id);
}, 500);
setTimeout(function() {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('product:added', {
bubbles: true,
detail: {
variant: cart,
quantity: 1
}, 1200);
setTimeout(function() {
$(".loader_" + id).removeClass("add-success--adding").removeClass("add-success--added");
}, 1600);
setTimeout(function() {
// $('#backdrop').addClass('backdrop_active');
}, 2000);
error: function(errorThrown) {
$(".loader_" + id).removeClass("add-success--adding");
var r = jQuery.parseJSON(errorThrown.responseText);
$(".error_" + pro_id).html("Error: " + r.description).show();
setTimeout(function() {
$(".error_" + pro_id).html("").hide(100);
}, 3000);
return false;
Thank you so much for your help!
Simply refresh the cart using the custom event coded into the theme code already.
So replace the custom event
code withcart:refresh
change commented code with this code.
I hope this helps you.