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I use a shopify app and want to customize some things that I cant do in the app.

So I have 4 Forms and in the forms are 4-7 input radio buttons

every form is structured like this:

Form 1
<div class="globo-form-control layout-2-column">
  <div class="globo-form-input">
    <ul class="flex-wrap">

      <li class="globo-list-control option-3-column">
        <div class="radio-wrapper">
          <input class="radio-input" type="radio" />
          <label class="radio-label">White</label>

      <li class="globo-list-control option-3-column">
        <div class="radio-wrapper">
          <input class="radio-input" type="radio" />
          <label class="radio-label">White</label>


Form 2
the same

How can I make that for each Form he can only select one ?

I tried this but this dont work and then he remove all

        const rd = document.querySelectorAll('.radio-label');

        rd.forEach(e => {
            e.addEventListener('click', el => {
                rd.forEach(e2 => {



  1. If you just want the radio buttons for each form to be grouped, simply add a name attribute to the <input> field, e.g., <input class="radio-input" type="radio" name="form1" />. Radio buttons with the same name attribute will be grouped together and only one of these grouped buttons can be selected.

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  2. To ensure that only one radio button can be selected per form, you’ll need to target each set of radio buttons individually within their respective forms. Here’s an example of how you might modify your code:

    // Get all the forms on the page
    const forms = document.querySelectorAll('.globo-form-control');
    // Function to handle radio button selection
    function handleRadioSelection(label) {
      const radioLabels = label.closest('.globo-form-control').querySelectorAll('.radio-label');
      radioLabels.forEach(otherLabel => {
        if (otherLabel !== label) {
          otherLabel.previousElementSibling.checked = false; // Uncheck the associated radio input
      // Toggle selection for the clicked radio button label
      label.previousElementSibling.checked = label.classList.contains('selected-radio'); // Check/uncheck the associated radio input
    // Iterate through each form
    forms.forEach(form => {
      const radioLabels = form.querySelectorAll('.radio-label');
      // Add event listener to each radio label within the form
      radioLabels.forEach(label => {
        label.addEventListener('click', () => {
        // Add event listener to associated radio input for change event
        label.previousElementSibling.addEventListener('change', () => {
    <div class="globo-form-control layout-2-column">
      <div class="globo-form-input">
        <ul class="flex-wrap">
          <li class="globo-list-control option-3-column">
            <div class="radio-wrapper">
              <input class="radio-input" type="radio" />
              <label class="radio-label">White</label>
          <li class="globo-list-control option-3-column">
            <div class="radio-wrapper">
              <input class="radio-input" type="radio" />
              <label class="radio-label">White</label>
    <div class="globo-form-control layout-2-column">
      <div class="globo-form-input">
        <ul class="flex-wrap">
          <li class="globo-list-control option-3-column">
            <div class="radio-wrapper">
              <input class="radio-input" type="radio" />
              <label class="radio-label">White</label>
          <li class="globo-list-control option-3-column">
            <div class="radio-wrapper">
              <input class="radio-input" type="radio" />
              <label class="radio-label">White</label>
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