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I have some variants I’m looping over and then assigning the whole thing to a variable

   {% if settings.limit_quantity or settings.display_inventory_left %}
      {% assign variantInventory = data-variant-inventory:'[
       {% for v in product.variants %}
           "id":{{ }},
           "inventory_management":"{{- v.inventory_management -}}",
           "inventory_policy":"{{ v.inventory_policy }}"
         {% if forloop.last == false %},{% endif %}
       {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}

This is then put onto the form as an attribute

   {% form 'product', product, id: "product-form-{{ }}", class: "clearfix product_form init {{cssClass}}", variantInventory, data-product-id:"{{ }}"%}

But I’m getting error Liquid syntax error (line 21): ‘endfor’ is not a valid delimiter for if tags. use endif



  1. The problem with your approach is that you are thinking about it like it’s JavaScript.

    First things first:

    1. You can’t run an assign and a forloop at the same time. You can do things like:
      assign myVar = 'hello world' | replace: 'world', '' But that’s it. You can read more about pipelines here:
    2. You can’t create arrays in liquid that way. They can be created but it’s tricky:
      assign myArray = 'apple,orange,strawberry' | split: ','. Now you will be able to iterate over your "Array".

    So to answer your question:

    {% if settings.limit_quantity or settings.display_inventory_left %}
      {% assign variantInventory = "" %}
      {% for v in product.variants %}
        {% capture variant %}
            "id": {{ }},
            "inventory_quantity": {{ v.inventory_quantity }},
            "inventory_management": "{{ v.inventory_management }}",
            "inventory_policy": "{{ v.inventory_policy }}"
          }{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
        {% endcapture %}
        {% assign variantInventory = variantInventory | append: variant %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    Once you have the variantInventory variable assigned, you can proceed to use it in your form attribute or any other required context.

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  2. This should do the trick (not tested):

       {%- if settings.limit_quantity or settings.display_inventory_left -%}
          {%- capture variantInventory -%}
           {%- for v in product.variants -%}
               "id":{{ }},
               "inventory_management":"{{- v.inventory_management -}}",
               "inventory_policy":"{{ v.inventory_policy }}"
             {%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}
           {%- endfor -%}
         {%- endcapture -%}
      {%- endif -%}

    Then you may use it in your form:

    <form data-variant-inventory="{{ variantInventory }}"></form>


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