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I need your help with coding on my product page (product.liquid). Need to display the weight + weight converted unit inside the variant radio buttons.

Jquery variant function on product.liquid:

jQuery(function($) {
    {% if product.available and product.variants.size >= 1 %}
    var product = {{product | json}};
    var layout = $('.product-page-area');
    if (product.variants.length >= 1) { //multiple variants
      for (var i = 0; i < product.variants.length; i++) {
        var variant = product.variants[i];
        var option = '<option value="' + + '">' + variant.title + '</option>';
        layout.find('form.product-form > select').append(option);
      new Shopify.OptionSelectors("product-selectors", {
        product: product,
        onVariantSelected: selectCallback,
        enableHistoryState: true

      //start of quickview variant;
      var filePath = asset_url.substring(0, asset_url.lastIndexOf('/'));
      var assetUrl = asset_url.substring(0, asset_url.lastIndexOf('/'));
      var options = "";
      for (var i = 0; i < product.options.length; i++) {
        options += '<div class="swatch clearfix" data-option-index="' + i + '">';
        options += '<div class="header">' + product.options[i] + ':</div>';
        options += '<div class="variant-items">';
        var is_color = false;
        var is_square = 'square';
        if (/Color|Colour/i.test(product.options[i])) {
          is_color = true;
        if (swatch_color_type == '2') {
          is_color = false;
          is_square = '';
        var optionValues = new Array();
        for (var j = 0; j < product.variants.length; j++) {
          var variant = product.variants[j];
          var value = variant.options[i];
          if(variant.featured_image && product_swatch_setting == '2') {
            var img = variant.featured_image.src.lastIndexOf(".");
            var vimg = variant.featured_image.src.slice(0, img) + "_50x50_crop_center" + variant.featured_image.src.slice(img);
          var valueHandle = convertToSlug(value);
          var forText = 'swatch-' + i + '-' + valueHandle;
          if (optionValues.indexOf(value) < 0) {
            //not yet inserted
            options += '<div data-value="' + value + '" class="swatch-element '+is_square+' '+product_swatch_size+' '+(is_color ? "color" : "")+' ' + (is_color ? "color" : "") + valueHandle + (variant.available ? ' available ' : ' soldout ') + '">';
            if (is_color) {
              options += '<div class="tooltip">' + value + '</div>';
            options += '<input id="' + forText + '" type="radio" name="option-' + i + '" value="' + value + '" ' + (j == 0 ? ' checked ' : '') + (variant.available ? '' : ' disabled') + ' />';

            if (is_color) {
              if(vimg && product_swatch_setting == '2') {
                options += '<label for="' + forText + '" class="swatch-image" style="overflow:hidden;"><img src="' + vimg + '" class="variant-image" style="max-width:100%;" /><img class="crossed-out" src="' + assetUrl + 'soldout.png" /></label>';
                options += '<label for="' + forText + '" style="background-color: ' + valueHandle + '; background-image: url(' + filePath + valueHandle + '.png)"><img class="crossed-out" src="' + assetUrl + 'soldout.png" /></label>';
            } else {
              options += '<label class="' + value + '" for="' + forText + '">' + '<span class="variant-button-top"></span>' + variant.weight + '<span class="variant-button-bottom"></span>' + '<img class="crossed-out" src="' + assetUrl + 'soldout.png" /></label>';
            options += '</div>';
            if (variant.available) {
              $('.product-page-area .swatch[data-option-index="' + i + '"] .' + valueHandle).removeClass('soldout').addClass('available').find(':radio').removeAttr('disabled');
        options += '</div>';
        options += '</div>';
      if(swatch_color_type == '1' || swatch_color_type == '2') {
        layout.find('form.product-form .product-options > select').after(options);
        layout.find('.swatch :radio').change(function() {
          var optionIndex = $(this).closest('.swatch').attr('data-option-index');
          var optionValue = $(this).val();
      if (product.available) {
        Shopify.optionsMap = {};
      //end of quickview variant
    } else { //single variant
      layout.find('form.product-form .product-options > select').remove();
      var variant_field = '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' + product.variants[0].id + '">';
    {% endif %}

On this line:

+ '<span class="variant-button-top"></span>' + variant.weight + '<span class="variant-button-bottom"></span>' +

I want to use: variant.weight | weight_with_unit: variant.weight_unit

But it does not work. Even if i use: + variant.weight + variant.weight_unit +
It returns undefined.

I want to return the variant weight and the variant converted unit.

Can you give me a hand? Thank you in advance!



  1. If you’ve assigned a weight to a variant, use Liquid to display it. You can do simple math in Liquid. Skip all that Javascript nonsense and just use Liquid. It was made for this. There is no dynamic need for you to script this client-side, from what you describe here.

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  2. In your case, the theme uses the {{product | json }} to get the JSON data into javascript code, can sorry to say but JSON missed the variant weight unit and you can’t get the same into the loop.

    To overcome such a situation you need to get the JSON data using the product handle and this data contains the weight unit along with other data.

    I hope this helps you other devs that have similar issues in the future.

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