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The database has columns with the date of conclusion of the contract and the date of termination of the contract. I need to group by date the number of conclusions and the number of cancellations.

I have written queries

with conn as (select date_signing::date as dt_sign, count(date_signing) as signing from services GROUP by date_signing::date),
disconn as (select date_cancellation::date as dt_canc, count(date_cancellation) as cancelling from services GROUP by date_cancellation::date)
select * from conn full join disconn on conn.dt_sign = disconn.dt_canc

Here is the result:

enter image description here

But I need this result (for example):

date        signing       cancelling
2019-08-09     1             null
2020-05-05   null              1

I need one column with date and columns with signing and termination to see the dynamics.
Please tell me in which direction to think.



  1. FULL JOIN looks ok for the job. Minor suggestions:

    WITH sig AS (
       SELECT date_signing::date AS the_date, count(*) AS signing
       FROM   services
       GROUP  BY 1
    , can AS (
       SELECT date_cancellation::date AS the_date, count(*) AS cancelling
       FROM   services
       GROUP  BY 1
    SELECT *
    FROM   sig
    FULL   JOIN can USING (the_date)
    WHERE  the_date IS NOT NULL;  -- optional to eliminate row(s) with null date

    To simplify, use the same column alias and join with the USING clause to get a single output column.

    Also, count(*) is faster and equivalent for this (except for also getting the correct count for the_date IS NULL).


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  2. If you don’t want gaps in this report, and especially if you want to zoom in on a period, generate a calendar and left join to it. Counts on that also yield a proper zero instead of null. Demo at db<>fiddle:

    select d::date, count(s.*)signing, count(c.*)cancelling 
    from generate_series('2023-03-09'::timestamp,'2023-03-23','1 day')_(d)
         left join services s on d::date =s.date_signing::date
         left join services c on d::date =c.date_cancellation::date
    group by 1 order by 1;
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