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In flutter, Is there any way to set textAlign for each line separately?
I want something like telegram app text input:

enter image description here

In telegram, if the line starts with a rtl language, text align is right otherwise it is left.

I try these ways so far:

1- auto_direction package

2- Checking text with intl.Bidi.detectRtlDirectionality and set textAlign dynamically.

But all of these ways sets the textAlign for all lines, I want to set it separately for each line.



  1. Wrap each line with align widget separately and give alignment property as per your requirement

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  2. Detect language and change textDirection and textAlign properly.
    You can detect languages with RegExp class.

      var persian = RegExp(r'[u0600-u06FF]');
      var english = RegExp(r'[a-zA-Z]');
      var arabic = RegExp(r'[u0750-u077F]');
      var chinese = RegExp(r'[u4E00-u9FFF]');
      var japanese = RegExp(r'[u3040-u309F]');
      var korean = RegExp(r'[uAC00-uD7AF]');

    Use onChanged call back property of TextField to detect language.

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