I’m building my first telegram bot. It send one message every 5 seconds to the user.
While it sends it to one user it cannot receive update from other chat.
public void foo(msg, Update update){
for (int i = 1; i < links.size(); i++){
Thread.sleep(wait * 1000);
How can I use Thread? I’ve tried creating multiple thread here
public static void bot(){
TelegramBotsApi telegramBotsApi = new TelegramBotsApi();
try {
telegramBotsApi.registerBot(new myBot());
} catch (TelegramApiException e) {
But he tries to create multiple bots and fails. Same if this is the runnable function:
How can I do it? I’m Stuck. I cannot create this function in different thread
public void onUpdateReceived(Update update) {
leggi(new SendMessage(), update.getMessage().getText(), update);
public void leggi(SendMessage msg, String command, Update update){
if(command.equals("test") {
foo( msg, update);
Here the full code… https://github.com/siamoInPochi/Ilsottomarinobot/tree/prova/src/main/java/Ilsottomarinobot
If you spawn a thread for every bot user who wants to receive messages, you will quickly be out of computer’s resources in case of high number of users. So I think threads is not a good idea for your task.
In my mind more natural approach is the following:
to webhooks.send-message-to-user-every-5-seconds
tasks to server’s event loop.You can make it with this library https://github.com/pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api
bot.execute(new SendMessage(chatId, link), callback)
Full working example: