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I’m making a telegram bot and I would like for it to be able to give a hex code against a color name. I know there are a heck of a lot of rgb colors but I also know there is a wikipedia article with known color names and hex codes, if I could be able to get the pages as a json it would help. Also, if the json says hex code = color name how can I invert that? How can I search by the value and not the name?



  1. You could write your own Hash then Hash#invert it:

    color_to_hex = { red: 'ff0000', green: '00ff00', blue: '0000ff' }
    hex_to_color = color_to_hex.invert
    color_to_hex[:red] #=> "ff0000"
    hex_to_color['00ff00'] #=> :green

    Or without creating the inverse hash:

    colors_to_hex.key('00ff00') #=> :green
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  2. You can try following :

    color_mappings = { 'yellow' => 'ffff00', 'red' => 'ff0000', 'green' => '00ff00', 'blue' => '0000ff' }

    The hash can be inverted as follow :

    inverted_color_mappings = color_mappings.invert

    output :

        "ffff00" => "yellow",
        "ff0000" => "red",
        "00ff00" => "green",
        "0000ff" => "blue"
    pattern = 'fff'{ |k,v| k[pattern] }

    output :

        "ffff00" => "yellow"
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  3. The other answers are fine. If you’re looking for a gem that’s already done the work for you, though, take a look at Color. Its Color::CSS[] method looks up a color by name and returns a Color::RGB object, which in turn has hex and html methods:

    require "color"
    aliceblue = Color::CSS["aliceblue"]
    puts aliceblue.hex
    # => f0f8ff
    puts aliceblue.html
    # => #f0f8ff

    Color::RGB also has a by_hex static method, which will return a named Color::RGB object for the given hex code. The name method returns the name (if it has one):

    require "color"
    mystery_color = Color::RGB.by_hex("#ffefd5")
    # => papayawhip

    You can see it in action on (If you get an error the first time you hit the run button, hit it again. sometimes has trouble with loading gems the first time.)

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