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I am trying to get the previous Message. First the User ist sending Message: “Search Student”. Then the Bot replies on that message with: “Enter the name of student”. Then the user has to write something and after that I would like to call a specific function.

Here is my code:

switch (message.getText()){
      case "Search Student":
            sendMsg(message, "Enter the name of Stunde: ");
            //And somewhere here i would like to call a function that is searching for a student (I have
            //already created the function)




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER
    if(message.getReplyToMessage().getText().contains("Enter the name of Schueler:")){
            List<Schueler> foundSchueler = search.searchSchueler(message.getText(), schueler);
            String foundSchuelerStr = "Found Schueler: nn";
            for (Schueler s: foundSchueler) {
                foundSchuelerStr += s.toString();
            sendMsg(message, foundSchuelerStr);

    This is my solution, and it works fantastic! You simply have to check if the user had replied on message with a specific text

  2. I have also faced such a problem recently and I have recreated this method. But I am not sure if this solution is a good one! I also believe that there is no very specific answer to this question.

    The idea is to write the last action of the user/student/profile to the database by opening one table called
    telegram_action table including following columns:

    telegram action {
      actionName: String; // your case, the action is "Search Student"
      messageId: Integer; // message Id that you want to as previous one

    Your changed code:

    switch (message.getText()){
          case "Search Student":
                sendMsg(message, "Enter the name of Stunde: ");
                //And somewhere here i would like to call a function that is searching for a student (I have
                //already created the function)
                createTelegramUserAction("Search Student", message.getMessageId());
                  //I didn't implement this method, idea is simply choose from TelegramAction database
                 //that ACTIVE STATUS or not deleted one(there will be only one) with action name "Search Student";
                 // Then you will have previous **mesageId** and you will know this message is action of Searching student
                 // every time you create new action, `createTelegramAction function` will delete you previous actions, don't worry!

    So, I created one createTelegramUserAction() method to save last action as following:

     public void createTelegramAction(String actionName, Integer messageId, Long chatId) {
                // Disable or Delete all previous actions from database before creating new one!!!
                disableAllActions("Search Students");
                // create action that Student wants search, in your case actionName = "Search Student";
                // save this action to telegram_action table, **didn't implemented**
                create(actionName, messageId);
    public void disableAllActions(String actionName) {
        // Note that I have chosen to disable the status in here, however you can simply delete all actions
        // In my case, it was necessary to save last action
        // In Deleting case you don't need ActionStatus enum
        // ActionStatus is enum with values {ACTIVE and INACTIVE}
            List<TelegramAction> telegramActions = telegramActionRepository
                .findAllByActionNameAndUserActionStatus(actionName, ActionStatus.ACTIVE);
            for (TelegramAction telegramAction : telegramActions) {
                // here you can either delete the actions or make INACTIVE.

    Note that this createTelegramAction method can be used for other methods as a generic method. But there is always space for improving the idea to make it more generic functions

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