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I’m programming a Telegram bot in python using the library python-telegram-bot, but I have a problem: I need to get the username of the user (sorry for the pun), but I don’t know how to do it in the main function. I have already searched on the internet, and everyone get the username in a function, using update.message.from_user.username. But I need to do it in the main function, because I want to send this username and some text to another Telegram user. Can you help me?

My current code is this:

import telegram
import logging
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, Updater
from functions import start, button

bot = telegram.Bot(token='')
updater = Updater(token='')
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s'
                    ' - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
start_handler = CommandHandler('start', start)



  1. See if this is what you’re looking for:

    def start (update, context):
        #this will retrieve the user's username, as you already know
        user = update.message.from_user
        #this will send the information to some Telegram user = some_user_chat_id,
                                 text = f'User {user} just hit start command!')

    Once the user hit /start command, his/her username will be sent to the chat_id of your choice.

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  2. You can set middleware which handle new update from user and get username throw ctx.from.username

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