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class testr(loader.Module):
    strings = {
        "name": "test",   
    async def client_ready(self, client, db):
        self.test_channel, _ = await utils.asset_channel(
            "Test - chat",
            "check descr",
        await self.client(functions.channels.InviteToChannelRequest(self.test_channel, ['@my_bot']))
        await self.client(functions.channels.EditAdminRequest(
                admin_rights=ChatAdminRights(ban_users=True, post_messages=True, edit_messages=True),

    def __init__(self):`

I’m trying to create a group and topics in it using a user bot on a teletone. I can’t find anywhere in the documentation how to properly work with topics. I only figured out how to write messages in a certain topic. But I can’t figure out how to create it and find out the topic id.
Here is a pre-launch code that successfully creates a group and invites the necessary users to it



  1. What is telethon…?
    I’m trying to create a group and topics in it using a user bot on a teletone. I can’t find anywhere in the documentation how to properly work with topics. I only figured out how to write messages in a certain topic. But I can’t figure out how to create it and find out the topic id. Here is a pre-launch code that successfully creates a group and invites the necessary users to it

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  2. You can create a forum using CreateChannelRequest

    Create a topic using CreateForumTopicRequest

    from telethon import TelegramClient
    from import CreateChannelRequest, CreateForumTopicRequest
    import asyncio
    client = TelegramClient(...)
    async def main():
        # Creating a forum:
        forum = await client(CreateChannelRequest(
            title = 'FORUM_NAME',
            about = 'ABOUT',
            forum = True
        forum_id = forum.updates[1].channel_id
        # Creating a topic:
        topic = await client(CreateForumTopicRequest(
            channel = forum_id,
            title = 'TOPIC_NAME'
        topic_id = topic.updates[0].id
        # Send a message to the topic
        await client.send_message(
            entity = topic_id,
            message = 'MESSAGE_TEXT',
            reply_to = topic.updates[0].id
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    You can also convert an existing group into a forum using ToggleForumRequest

    from import ToggleForumRequest
    await client(ToggleForumRequest(
        channel = YOUR_GROUP,
        enabled = True
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