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I’m Making a telegram bot using Python-Telegram-bot. I wanna make it send a message to one specific user (myself in this case) to select an option. after that, it should take that option as a command and work as usual. but after 30 min… it should send me the same message making me choose an option just like before. How can I make i work?

def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
    user = update.message.from_user.username
    print(user), text= "Choose an option. ('/option1' , '/option 2', '/...')")

def main():

    updater = Updater("<MY-BOT-TOKEN>", use_context=True)

    updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))


if __name__ == '__main__':

I want this to run without getting the /start command (the update). but after this… there will be normal functions that’ll get updates and after 30 min I wanna run this "start" function again without getting an update.



  1. You can get the bot object either from the updater or the dispatcher:

    updater = Updater('<bot-token>')'<user-id>', text='Hello there!')
    # alternative:'<user-id>', text='Hello there!')
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  2. v20.x

    Since version v20.x, there has been a switch to asyncio. Updater has been changed, it no longer takes the bot token as a parameter. Instead, using a builder pattern, the ApplicationBuilder is expected to be used to create your telegram bot.

    Here are two approaches of sending messages to arbitrary chats.

    import asyncio
    import telegram
    from telegram.ext import ApplicationBuilder
    # using telegram.Bot
    async def send(chat, msg):
        await telegram.Bot('<bot-token>').sendMessage(chat_id=chat, text=msg)'<chat-id>', 'Hello there!'))
    # using ApplicationBuilder
    async def send_more(chat, msg):
        application = ApplicationBuilder().token('<bot-token>').build()
        await, text=msg)'<chat-id>', 'Hello there!'))
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