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I’m using telebot ( to create a bot to send photos to its users. The point is I didn’t see a way to restrict the access to this bot as I intend to share private images through this bot.

I read in this forum that through python-telegram-bot there is a way to limit the access from the sender’s message (How To Limit Access To A Telegram Bot), but I didn’t know if via pyTelegramBotAPI it is possible.

Do you know how can I solve it?



  1. The easiest way is probably a hard coded check on the user id.

    # The allowed user id 
    my_user_id = '12345678'
    # Handle command
    def send_picture(message):
        # Get user id from message
        to_check_id = message.message_id
        if my_user_id = to_check_id:
            response_message = 'Pretty picture'
            response_message = 'Sorry, this is a private bot!'
        # Send response message
        bot.reply_to(message, response_message)
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  2. A bit late tot the party – perhaps for future post readers. You can wrap the function to disallow access.

    An example below:

    from functools import wraps
    def is_known_username(username):
        Returns a boolean if the username is known in the user-list.
        known_usernames = ['username1', 'username2']
        return username in known_usernames
    def private_access():
        Restrict access to the command to users allowed by the is_known_username function.
        def deco_restrict(f):
            def f_restrict(message, *args, **kwargs):
                username = message.from_user.username
                if is_known_username(username):
                    return f(message, *args, **kwargs)
                    bot.reply_to(message, text='Who are you?  Keep on walking...')
            return f_restrict  # true decorator
        return deco_restrict

    Then where you are handling commands you can restrict access to the command like this:

    def send_welcome(message):
        bot.reply_to(message, "Hi and welcome")

    Keep in mind, order matters. First the message-handler and then your custom decorator – or it will not work.

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