I am building a telegram bot.
one of the functionalities of my bot require the bot to query the user to pick between choices.
Hear is my code that query the user
def entry_point(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
companies_btn = [
InlineKeyboardButton(company.company_name, callback_data=company.id)
for company in get_companies()
companies_keyword = InlineKeyboardMarkup(companies_btn)
"Please pick a company", reply_markup=companies_keyword
return 1
def user_picked_company(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
stores_btn = [
InlineKeyboardButton(store.store_name, callback_data=store.id)
for store in get_stores()
store_keyword = InlineKeyboardMarkup(stores_btn)
"Please pick a store", reply_markup=store_keyword
return 2
def user_picked_store(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler('pick', entry_point)],
1: CallbackQueryHandler(user_picked_company),
2: CallbackQueryHandler(user_picked_store)
as you can see, in the function user_picked_store
I need to save the user choices (I can save in the db only after the user picked all the information).
Therefore I need access to the all the choices the user made, I thought to store it in an object outside the function and so all the function can use it, however this solution will not work if multiple request will be made at the same time (each request will override the other).
Is there a way to save a state for each instance of the conversation?
Is there any session id for each conversation?
You have
dict that is persistent acrross conversation, you can use it to store there all user choices.e.g.
Yes the context.user_data holds till the conversation lasts with the user.
To use the context.user_data dict, we need to mention as context.user_data.get(‘var_name’)