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I need to send txt File using TelegramBot API .

I already tried

and have issue :

{“ok”:false,”error_code”:400,”description”:”Bad Request: wrong remote
file id specified: Wrong string length”}



  1. From Telegram official documentation

    Sending files There are three ways to send files (photos, stickers, audio, media, etc.):

    If the file is already stored somewhere on the Telegram servers, you
    don’t need to reupload it: each file object has a file_id field,
    simply pass this file_id as a parameter instead of uploading. There
    are no limits for files sent this way. Provide Telegram with an HTTP
    URL for the file to be sent. Telegram will download and send the file.
    5 MB max size for photos and 20 MB max for other types of content.
    Post the file using multipart/form-data in the usual way that files
    are uploaded via the browser. 10 MB max size for photos, 50 MB for
    other files. Sending by file_id

    It is not possible to change the file type when resending by file_id.
    I.e. a video can’t be sent as a photo, a photo can’t be sent as a
    document, etc. It is not possible to resend thumbnails. Resending a
    photo by file_id will send all of its sizes. file_id is unique for
    each individual bot and can’t be transferred from one bot to another.
    Sending by URL

    When sending by URL the target file must have the correct MIME type
    (e.g., audio/mpeg for sendAudio, etc.). In sendDocument, sending by
    URL will currently only work for gif, pdf and zip files. To use
    sendVoice, the file must have the type audio/ogg and be no more than
    1MB in size. 1–20MB voice notes will be sent as files. Other
    configurations may work but we can’t guarantee that they will.

    This is what you need from your question:

    Post the file using multipart/form-data in the usual way that files
    are uploaded via the browser. 10 MB max size for photos, 50 MB for
    other files

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  2. To complete Donny’s answer, I would like to add an example of sending .txt file as a document.

    Looks like you’re using OS X as an operating system, which has curl utility preinstalled.

    Open terminal and make a request like this:

    curl -v -F "chat_id=569502265" -F document=@/Users/users/Desktop/file.txt<TOKEN>/sendDocument
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  3. You have to use the POST method instead GET. For example, I use

    $url = ''.$botId.'/sendDocument';
    $curl = new Curl();
    $curl->post($url, [
        "chat_id" => $chatId,
        "document" => new CURLFile($file_path)
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