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I’m using Telethon’s send_message function to send messages to various numbers.
Problem that I’m facing is I can send messages to numbers that are in my contact list, but when I’m sending message to unsaved number I’m getting an error "ValueError: Cannot find any entity corresponding to "+XXXXXXXXXXXX"

from telethon import TelegramClient

api_id = xxxxx
api_hash = 'xxxxx'
client = TelegramClient('anon', api_id, api_hash)

async def main():
    await client.send_message('+XYZXYZXYZXYZ', 'Hello, friend!')

with client:



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    None of the above answer works for me so after lot of effort I got the solution of the problem. It is not possible to send message to a telegram user without saving their number. To overcome this problem first we have to save the number by these lines of code:

    Note: You have to downgrade your telethon to 0.19 for this just run pip install telethon==0.19

    contact = InputPhoneContact(client_id=0, phone=guest_phone_number,
    first_name="first_name", last_name="last_name")
    result = client.invoke(ImportContactsRequest([contact]))

    Here is full working code:

    from telethon import TelegramClient
    from import AddChatUserRequest
    from import InputPhoneContact
    from import ImportContactsRequest
    api_id = XXXXX
    api_hash = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    phone_number = '+XXXXXXXXXXXX' #sender's phone number
    guest_phone_number='+XXXXXXXXXXXX' #recievers phone number
    client = TelegramClient('session_name',
    assert client.connect()
    if not client.is_user_authorized():
        me = client.sign_in(phone_number, input('Enter code: '))
    # ---------------------------------------
    # add user to contact
    contact = InputPhoneContact(client_id=0, phone=guest_phone_number, 
    first_name="user", last_name=" ")
    result = client.invoke(ImportContactsRequest([contact]))
    # ---------------------------------------
    # send message to reciever
    client.send_message(result.users[0], 'Hello, friend!')

  2. it’s the new telegram limit about get numbers of accounts

    privacy setting

    if it’s Nobody you can’t find it by number if you have not this in your contacts before

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  3. First you need to make telethon aware of all the entities at least once:
    For this use:

    dialogs = await client.get_dialogs()

    After this get the entity represented by the mobile number using the command:

    entity = await client.get_entity(<mobile_num>)

    Now you can use the entity to send message

    await client.send_message(entity, 'Hello, friend!')

    For more info have a look at this : Telethon Entities

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