I’m trying to validate WebApp data but the result is not what I wanted.
data_check_string = ...
secret_key = HMAC_SHA256(<bot_token>, "WebAppData")
if (hex(HMAC_SHA256(data_check_string, secret_key)) == hash) {
// data is from Telegram
BOT_TOKEN = '5139539316:AAGVhDje2A3mB9yA_7l8-TV8xikC7KcudNk'
data_check_string = 'query_id=AAGcqlFKAAAAAJyqUUp6-Y62&user=%7B%22id%22%3A1246866076%2C%22first_name%22%3A%22Dante%22%2C%22last_name%22%3A%22%22%2C%22username%22%3A%22S_User%22%2C%22language_code%22%3A%22en%22%7D&auth_date=1651689536&hash=de7f6b26aadbd667a36d76d91969ecf6ffec70ffaa40b3e98d20555e2406bfbb'
data_check_arr = data_check_string.split('&')
needle = 'hash='
hash_item = ''
telegram_hash = ''
for item in data_check_arr:
if item[0:len(needle)] == needle:
telegram_hash = item[len(needle):]
hash_item = item
data_check_string = "n".join(data_check_arr)
secret_key = hmac.new("WebAppData".encode(), BOT_TOKEN.encode(), hashlib.sha256).digest()
calculated_hash = hmac.new(data_check_string.encode(), secret_key, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
print(calculated_hash == telegram_hash) # print False
I’m trying to validate webapp data in python, but my code didn’t give the intended result.
the hash which my code gives me is different from the telegram’s one.
UPDATE: valid data added, and bot-token has been changed.
You need to unquote data_check_string
And swap the arguments
You can replace the for-loops with a couple of lines (already incorporates kurdyukovpv’s suggestion to unquote the query string):
EDIT: Figured I might as well just post the entire working function I got out of this thread ) :