I’m working on a bot for supergroups.
How I can verify if member is admin?
my lib:org.telegram 4.2 https://core.telegram.org/bots/api
I tried with ChatMember, GetChatAdministrators and SendMessage methods but I have no idea how insert parameters because they don’t ask them but they have only .get option (null respose). Only GetChatAdministrators permit a .set method for ChatID but it give error
GetChatAdministrators getadmin = new GetChatAdministrators().setChatId(ChatIDSupergroup);
ArrayList<ChatMember> s = null;
try {
s = getadmin.deserializeResponse(null); //Unable to deserialize response
} catch (TelegramApiRequestException e) {
ChatMember member = new ChatMember(); //There are only get options
String status=member.getStatus(); //null
Available methods
Use this method to get a list of administrators in a chat. On success, returns an Array of ChatMember objects that contains information about all chat administrators except other bots. If the chat is a group or a supergroup and no administrators were appointed, only the creator will be returned.
I had a same problem but I couldn’t find an answer from anywhere. Then I tried myself and finally today I found the following solution:
This method returns list of administrators of telegram groups, supergroups or channels.