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I wrote this code and I need to get "local time" from user’s message (string type).
But I need this like integer to set timer.
There is TypeError in "local_time = int(, msg.text)".
How can I fix it?

from aiogram import Bot, types
from aiogram.dispatcher import Dispatcher
from aiogram.utils import executor
import time

from Config import TOKEN

bot = Bot(token=TOKEN)
dp = Dispatcher(bot)

async def process_start_command(message: types.Message):
    await message.reply("Hi!")

async def process_help_command(message: types.Message):
    await message.reply("/timer - set timer")

async def set_timer(msg: types.Message):
    await bot.send_message(, text='How many minutes?')
    local_time = int(, msg.text)
    local_time_b = int(local_time * 60)
    await bot.send_message(, text='Timer set')
    await bot.send_message(, text='The timer has worked')


if __name__ == '__main__':

local_time = int(, msg.text)

TypeError: ‘str’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer



  1. The int function requires the text as first parameter, the second (optional) is the base (which you need if you Python to interpret the string with a different base – ie binany)

    local_time = int(msg.text)

    The msg.text is the user input (it must be a number) which it is casted to int.

    If you process the input via a command handler you need to consider that the text message includes the command ie /start 12.
    One option is to remove the command and obtain the following value(s)

    # remove '/start'
    interval = msg.text[7:]
    local_time = int(interval)
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  2. First of all

    Stop using time.sleep() in async functions.
    Use await asyncio.sleep() instead!


    Learn basics of python.


    async def timer_handler(message: Message):
        # get args from message (it's `str` type!) 
        timer_string = message.get_args()
        # let's try to convert it to `int`
            timer = int(timer_string)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            return await message.answer("Please set a digit for timer. E.g.: /timer 5")
        # success! timer is set!
        await message.answer(f'Timer set for {timer}')
        # sleeping (this way, instead of blocking `time.sleep`)
        await asyncio.sleep(timer)
        # it's time to send message
        await message.answer("It's time! :)")

    P.S.: Someone, please add aiogram tag

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