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I’m new to do this kind of project. My goals is to build a telegram bot to forward user(s) message from the bot to a channel. Right now I’m facing that some users abuse to send junk message that disturbs a lot. So, is it possible to blacklist some user from using the bot?

My sourcecode is here Go to GitHub



  1. Bots can’t block users (like users can block bots), but you can choose to just not handle updates that come from a specific user id. What I usually do in such cases is to use a telegram.ext.TypeHandler(telegram.Update, callback) where callback looks something like

    def callback(update, context):
        if update.effective_user and update.effective_user in blocked_users:
            # This stops any other handlers in higher groups from running   
            raise DispatcherHandlerStop 

    Then register it to a low group for the dispatcher (dispatcher.add_handler(…, group=-1)).
    Please have a look at the docs of TypeHandler, DispatcherHandlerStop and add_handler for more info 🙂

    One way to keep track of the blocked_users is to store that list in context.bot_data.

    Disclaimer: I’m currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot.

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  2. There isn’t any native way to do that, however you can have a list of blocked users (preferably a separate JSON file for that extra modularity) and every time the bot is used, check if the user is in that list:

    def start(update, context):
      if in blacklist:
        pass # or do whatever you want
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