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For the ‘test intent’, I have enabled the Enable Webhook Call for this intent
I have correctly setup Telegram integration to the bot.

In the fullfilment code, I am using the Constructor for Payload object( I have specified the string indicating target platform of payload. Please see in code below the welcome function:

    const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
    const {Text, Card, Image, Suggestion, Payload} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment'); 

    exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
    const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });

    function test(agent) {
      agent.add(new Payload(agent.TELEGRAM, {

        "text": "Please click on button below to share your number",
        "reply_markup": {
          "one_time_keyboard": true,
          "resize_keyboard": true,
          "keyboard": [
                "text": "Share my phone number",
                "callback_data": "phone",
                "request_contact": true
                "text": "Cancel",
                "callback_data": "Cancel"

      // Run the proper function handler based on the matched Dialogflow intent name
      let intentMap = new Map();
      intentMap.set('test Intent', test);

Dialogflow is not returning the payload response in the fulfillment code to telegram on invocation of the intent.
I have taken a look at the project function logs but their is no errors being logged.
Their is no reason for my code not to work

Is the payload class deprecated in dialogflow?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The dialogflow WebhookClient used in the Dialogflow fulfillment webhook logic returns an Express HTTP response object that contains the send method. I hooked into this method to send response back to dialogflow's webhook fulfillment API. See code below.

    function telegramIntegration(agent) {
      const ClientResponse=
        "ClientResponse": [
            "payload": {
                "text": "Please share your contact",
                "reply_markup": {
                  "keyboard": [
                        "text": "Share my phone number",
                        "callback_data": "phone",
                        "request_contact": true
                        "text": "Cancel",
                        "callback_data": "Cancel"
                  "one_time_keyboard": true,
                  "resize_keyboard": true

    However this work-around does not answer my question "Is the Dialogflow Payload Class deprecated?"

  2. I had the same problem today and with this is running now

            var pl_tl = {
                "telegram": {
                    "text": "Please click on button below to share your number",
                    "reply_markup": {
                        "one_time_keyboard": true,
                        "resize_keyboard": true,
                        "keyboard": [
                                    "text": "Share my phone number",
                                    "callback_data": "phone",
                "request_contact": true
                                    "text": "Cancel",
                                    "callback_data": "Cancel"
            let pl = new Payload(agent.TELEGRAM, pl_tl, { sendAsMessage: true, rawPayload: true });
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