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I have a json object array I have two functions. One to get the last message and the other to get. I need to keep the outer format the same but only return the one message.

I am getting the Json from the Telegram api and I have a Node Express script to return the reformatted Json

Here is the full Json:

    "ok": true,
    "result": [
            "update_id": 650787950,
            "channel_post": {
                "message_id": 258,
                "chat": {
                    "id": -1001497153100,
                    "title": "TestBot",
                    "type": "channel"
                "date": 1592256395,
                "text": "test messge"
            "update_id": 650787951,
            "channel_post": {
                "message_id": 259,
                "chat": {
                    "id": -1001497153100,
                    "title": "TestBot",
                    "type": "channel"
                "date": 1592256604,
                "text": "next"

I have a function to store the object after an api call to Telegram:

    this.messageData = data;

For the function to get the last message:

getlastMessage() {

I am trying to return the Json:

    "ok": true,
    "result": [
            "update_id": 650787951,
            "channel_post": {
                "message_id": 259,
                "chat": {
                    "id": -1001497153100,
                    "title": "TestBot",
                    "type": "channel"
                "date": 1592256604,
                "text": "next"

And for the function to get a specific update_id

getNextMessage(update_id) {

Again I am trying to get this format of a single message matching the passed in update_id

    "ok": true,
    "result": [
            "update_id": 650787951,
            "channel_post": {
                "message_id": 259,
                "chat": {
                    "id": -1001497153100,
                    "title": "TestBot",
                    "type": "channel"
                "date": 1592256604,
                "text": "next"

I am a little confused with the layers of object and arrays mixed.



  1. To get the last result you would need to go to results and return the last index:

    function getlastMessage(resultObject) {
        return {
             ok: resultObject.ok
             result: [resultObject.result[resultObject.result.length - 1]]

    To get the message by update_id:

    getNextMessage(update_id) {
       return {
             ok: resultObject.ok
             result: [resultObject.result.find(message => message.update_id === update_id)]

    Something along these lines

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  2. Does this work?

    const messages = {
      ok: true,
      result: [{
          update_id: 650787950,
          channel_post: {
            message_id: 258,
            chat: {
              id: -1001497153100,
              title: 'TestBot',
              type: 'channel',
            date: 1592256395,
            text: 'test messge',
          update_id: 650787951,
          channel_post: {
            message_id: 259,
            chat: {
              id: -1001497153100,
              title: 'TestBot',
              type: 'channel',
            date: 1592256604,
            text: 'next',
    const getLastMessage = (messages) => {
    final = {
    	ok: true,
    	result: [],
    final.result.push(messages.result[messages.result.length - 1]);
    return final;
    const getNextMessage = (update_id, messages) => {
      final = {
        ok: true
      final.result = messages.result.filter((msg) => {
        return msg.update_id === update_id;
      return final;
    console.log(getNextMessage(650787950, messages));

    You get the last message by returning the last element in the array, by getting the length of the array and -1

    I used Array.prototype.filter() to find the correct object.

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  3. Using destructuring you can make your code a little bit more compact:

    const someObject = JSON.parse(`{
      "ok": true,
      "result": [
              "update_id": 650787950,
              "channel_post": {
                  "message_id": 258,
                  "chat": {
                      "id": -1001497153100,
                      "title": "TestBot",
                      "type": "channel"
                  "date": 1592256395,
                  "text": "test messge"
              "update_id": 650787951,
              "channel_post": {
                  "message_id": 259,
                  "chat": {
                      "id": -1001497153100,
                      "title": "TestBot",
                      "type": "channel"
                  "date": 1592256604,
                  "text": "next"
    const getNextMessage = (update_id) =>  {
      return {
        result: someObject.result.find(message => message.update_id === update_id)
    const getLastMessage = () => {
      const arrayLength = someObject.result.length;
      return {
        result: someObject.result[arrayLength - 1] 

    If you want to keep the result type as an array you can use filter instead of find and surround the last element of result array with square brackets, like this:

    const getNextMessage = (update_id) =>  {
    return {
        result: someObject.result.filter(message => message.update_id === update_id)
    const getLastMessage = () => {
      const arrayLength = someObject.result.length;
      return {
        result: [someObject.result[arrayLength - 1]]
    Login or Signup to reply.
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