from coinbase.wallet.client import Client
from telegram import ParseMode
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Defaults, Updater
COINBASE_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
COINBASE_SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
TELEGRAM_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
coinbase_client = Client(COINBASE_KEY, COINBASE_SECRET)
#if __name__ == '__main__':
updater = Updater(token=TELEGRAM_TOKEN, defaults=Defaults(parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML))
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
dispatcher.add_handler('start', startCommand) # Accessed via /start
dispatcher.add_handler('alert', priceAlert) # Accessed via /alert
updater.start_polling() # Start the bot
updater.idle() # Wait for the script to be stopped, this will stop the bot
def startCommand(update, context):, text='Hello there!')
def priceAlert(update, context):
if len(context.args) > 2:
crypto = context.args[0].upper()
sign = context.args[1]
price = context.args[2]
context.job_queue.run_repeating(priceAlertCallback, interval=15, first=15, context=[crypto, sign, price, update.message.chat_id])
response = f"⏳ I will send you a message when the price of {crypto} reaches £{price}, n"
response += f"the current price of {crypto} is £{coinbase_client.get_spot_price(currency_pair=crypto + '-GBP')['amount']}"
response = '⚠️ Please provide a crypto code and a price value: n<i>/price_alert {crypto code} {> / <} {price}</i>', text=response)
def priceAlertCallback(context):
crypto = context.job.context[0]
sign = context.job.context[1]
price = context.job.context[2]
chat_id = context.job.context[3]
send = False
spot_price = coinbase_client.get_spot_price(currency_pair=crypto + '-GBP')['amount']
if sign == '<':
if float(price) >= float(spot_price):
send = True
if float(price) <= float(spot_price):
send = True
if send:
response = f'👋 {crypto} has surpassed £{price} and has just reached <b>£{spot_price}</b>!'
context.job.schedule_removal(), text=response)
I get this error of the code above, also I have already tried changing the position of the def
but, it also shows error, How to solve this?
It is the code for telegram bot and also this keeps on showing me NameError, I have already added python3 and pip, but still not solved
You will also need to add the two arguments required by both functions.
I’m not exactly sure what data the two functions take in but I’m going to guess that it is whatever the bot is returning.
Python reads files top to bottom. So when you call
dispatcher.add_handler('start', startCommand)
, the functionstartCommand
is not yet known. Move the partbelow the callback definitions.
Apart from that,
needs aHandler
as argument, in your case something likeadd_handler(CommandHanlder('start', startCommand)
. Please see PTB tutorial as well as the examples.Disclaimer: I’m the current maintainer of the