trying to create a bot at replit;
for managing interviews that can:
On the first start, Create a dictionary of all members in the group to prevent cheating by users who change their usernames, set a field as previous interviews with default value 0. On next start, refer to this dictionary to tally poll responses. Connected to google sheets
On start, ask the interview creator the following options:
Text for the poll, Time limit of the poll, time limit to send the profile, minimum previous interviews.
Create a Poll, based on the input, provide the text and time limit of the poll, with these options:
Yes, no, mentor poll check. -
After time limit, From yes responses, select a random responder who’s number of previous interviews are equal or less than the input provided, compare from the already created dictionary. If no responder matches, select at random.
Tag the selected user to send a "profile brief" within the time limit to send the profile, to the poll creator and replying yes to the bot after sending the file, add 1 to the previous interviews for that user once yes is replied.
If the selected user fails to reply yes, go back to step 4. If the 2nd selected user also fails, write: selected respondents did not send a profile, the interview is cancelled.
import logging
import random
from telegram.ext import Update, Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackContext , PollHandler
except ImportError:
import os
os.system("pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade")
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
# Enable logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Load Google Sheets credentials
scope = ["", ""]
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("*************.json", scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)
# Open the Google Sheet by title
sheet_title = "*****"
sheet =
# Dictionary to store members and their previous interviews count
members_dict = {}
# Load data from Google Sheet into members_dict at the beginning of your script
def load_from_sheet():
global members_dict
members_dict = {}
data = sheet.get_all_records()
for row in data:
user_id = row["User ID"]
prev_interviews = row["Previous Interviews"]
members_dict[user_id] = prev_interviews
# Function to update the Google Sheet with the members_dict
def update_sheet():
# Get existing data from the sheet
existing_data = sheet.get_all_records()
# Update data in the existing_data list
for user_id, prev_interviews in members_dict.items():
# Check if the user_id is already in the sheet
user_row = next((row for row in existing_data if row["User ID"] == user_id), None)
if user_row:
# Update the existing row
user_row["Previous Interviews"] = prev_interviews
# Add a new row
existing_data.append({"User ID": user_id, "Previous Interviews": prev_interviews})
# Clear existing data in the sheet
# Write header
header = ["User ID", "Previous Interviews"]
# Write modified data
for row in existing_data:
sheet.append_row([row["User ID"], row["Previous Interviews"]])
# Callback function for handling the /start command
def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
update.message.reply_text("Welcome to the interview bot! Please provide the following options:n"
"/setoptions <poll_text> <poll_time_limit> <profile_time_limit> <min_previous_interviews>")
# Callback function for handling the /setoptions command
def set_options(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
args = context.args
if len(args) != 4:
update.message.reply_text("Usage: /setoptions <poll_text> <poll_time_limit> <profile_time_limit> <min_previous_interviews>")
poll_text, poll_time_limit, profile_time_limit, min_previous_interviews = args
context.user_data['poll_text'] = poll_text
context.user_data['poll_time_limit'] = int(poll_time_limit) * 60 # Convert minutes to seconds
context.user_data['profile_time_limit'] = int(profile_time_limit) * 60 # Convert minutes to seconds
context.user_data['min_previous_interviews'] = int(min_previous_interviews)
update.message.reply_text("Options set successfully!")
# Callback function for handling the /interview command
def interview(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
if 'poll_text' not in context.user_data:
update.message.reply_text("Please set options using /setoptions command first.")
# Create a poll
poll_message = update.message.reply_poll(
options=["Yes", "No", "Mentor Poll Check"],
# Get the poll ID
poll_id =
# Set a timer to check the poll results
context.job_queue.run_once(check_poll_results, context.user_data['poll_time_limit'], context=poll_id)
# Display time limit
update.message.reply_text(f"Poll created with time limit: {context.user_data['poll_time_limit'] / 60} minutes.")
# Callback function to check poll results
def check_poll_results(context: CallbackContext) -> None:
poll_id = context.job.context
poll_results =, message_id=poll_id)
# Process poll results
process_poll_results(, context.user_data, poll_results)
# Function to process poll results
def process_poll_results(bot, user_data, poll_results):
yes_responses = poll_results['options'][0]['voter_count']
if yes_responses == 0:
update.message.reply_text("No one responded 'Yes' to the poll. The interview is cancelled.")
# Filter members with previous interviews less than or equal to the specified limit
eligible_members = [user_id for user_id, prev_interviews in members_dict.items() if prev_interviews <= user_data['min_previous_interviews']]
if not eligible_members:
selected_user_id = random.choice(list(members_dict.keys()))
selected_user_id = random.choice(eligible_members)
selected_user = bot.get_chat_member(chat_id=context.chat_data['chat_id'], user_id=selected_user_id).user
# Notify the selected user to send a profile
bot.send_message(selected_user_id, f"You've been selected for an interview! Please send your profile brief within {user_data['profile_time_limit'] / 60} minutes. Reply with 'yes' once done.")
# Set a timer to check if the user replies 'yes' in time
context.job_queue.run_once(check_profile_submission, user_data['profile_time_limit'], context=(selected_user_id, user_data))
# Callback function to check profile submission
def check_profile_submission(context: CallbackContext) -> None:
selected_user_id, user_data = context.job.context
if members_dict[selected_user_id] == 0:
# Notify the poll creator about the selected user's failure to reply 'yes'['chat_id'], f"Selected user @{selected_user_id} did not reply 'yes'.")
# Retry the process with another user
process_poll_results(, user_data, context.chat_data)
# Notify the poll creator about the successful profile submission['chat_id'], f"Profile received from @{selected_user_id}.")
# Increment the previous interviews count for the selected user
members_dict[selected_user_id] += 1
# Update Google Sheet
# Callback function for handling the /stop command
def stop(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
update.message.reply_text("Bot is stopping...")
# Main function to start the bot
def main() -> None:
# Set your Telegram Bot Token
updater = Updater("**********")
# Get the dispatcher to register handlers
dp = updater.dispatcher
# Register command handlers
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("setoptions", set_options))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("interview", interview))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("stop", stop)) # Added /stop command handler
# Start the Bot
# Run the bot until you send a signal to stop it
if __name__ == '__main__':
getting error,
File "/home/runner/CalmHeartyObject/", line 73, in <module> def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: NameError: name 'Update' is not defined
// had written wrong error earlier
tried changing import statements, but unable to understand the error..
you have a parameter named Update in the start function, and this conflicts with the Update class from the telegram.ext module.
Change this:
To this:
You need to update the parameter name in the function definition and also in any references within the function. Repeat this for other function definitions where you encounter a similar issue.
Look at your block:
In case of an ImportError these variables will not be defined
Update, Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackContext , PollHandler
.It looks like this is happening, some ImportError occurred but you do not handle it adequately leaving the variables undefined.
In my opinion you should not try to handle a ImportError at all as you need the
class.Otherwise you could go with Michael Butscher’s comment by not evaluating the type hints.
Further, installing packages from inside a script is bad practice. You could add
from telegram.ext import Update, Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackContext , PollHandler
at the end of the except block to try a second import.TL;DR: Provide a requirements file with the appropriate package version and assume that everything is provided, do not try to install on the fly.