I am using mongoose ODM and have a schema which looks like this:
var banSchema = new Schema({
userid: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
name: String,
groupid: String,
reason: String,
timestamp: Date
I want to output every single user id from all documents in the collection. I am using this query to obtain the userid objects. However I cannot seem to get the full list automatically. I have to manually enter the object number as seeen below:
bot.onText(//sync/i, function (msg) {
var fromId = msg.from.id;
var chatId = msg.chat.id;
if (fromId == config.sudo) {
console.log('Sudo Confirmed And Authorized!');
Ban.find({}, function (err, obj) {
console.log(obj[0].userid); // Returns A Single ID
console.log(obj[1].toObject().userid); // Returns a different ID
bot.sendMessage(chatId, obj[1].toObject().useridid);
} else {
console.log('Someone Is Trying To Act Like Sudo! *sigh*');
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'You Are Not A Mod!');
This however does not return a full list of id’s as I want. How could I solve this issue?
The code above is for a telegram bot which on a /sync
command it should return a message with all ids from the collection.
Telegram bot API Limits
Due to the API limits, the entire output should be in a single message.
Use this syntax
You can use this syntax:
The easiest way to get all values of a particular field across all docs in the collection is to use