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Shortly, I’m trying to create some web-API-application and I’m parsing telegram data and I am faced up with a problem.

When I get all the JSON, I see that the program can’t parse it because some field(text) couldn’t resolve the object(code snip below). I’m thinking about creating a custom JSON converter(that’s annoying, so that’s the reason why I’m here), but maybe I just don’t know how to do it correctly.

Here are examples:



 "text": [
     "type": "link",
     "text": "SOME VERY VERY VERY PRIVATE LINK :D(probably, onlyfans)"



  1. I usually use a JsonConstructor in this case. You don’t need to pass all properties into the constructor, you can pass only the properties that cause a problem.

        using Newtonsoft.Json;
        Data data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Data>(json);
    public class Data
        public List<Text> text { get; set; }
        public Data(JToken text)
            if (text.Type == JTokenType.String)
                this.text = new List<Text> { new Text { text = (string)text } };
            else this.text = text.ToObject<List<Text>>();
    public class Text
        public string type { get; set; }
        public string text { get; set; }
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  2. I would use system.text.json More info here
    and here

    public class Data
        public IEnumerable<TextInformation> TextInformations{ get; set; }
    public class TextInformation
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }

    and use it like this

    var text = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Data>(jsonString)
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