Here I found a very useful answer showing how to send a pre-filled message from a website using whatsapp.
Can we do the same with Telegram?
Here I found a very useful answer showing how to send a pre-filled message from a website using whatsapp.
Can we do the same with Telegram?
You can try to use open a Telegram chat with:
And send a message to your contact with
tg://msg?text=Text&to=+(user mobile number)
But sending not works for me.
All of these URLs should be valid…
The official API documentation source: Widgets -> Sharing Button
They suggest the
format. You may prefill the following fields:url
: The URL you want to share.text
: Text to accompany the URL you want to share.So, for instance, you might have…
If you are interested in watching a project that keeps track of these URLs, then check us out!: