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I am trying to do an optional input, and have this code

 bot.send_chat_action(, 'typing')
 markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
 markup.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton("Лечу только в одну сторону", callback_data="one_way"))
 msg = bot.send_message(, '✅Хорошо. Теперь введите дату возвращения:', reply_markup=markup)
 bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, get_return_date)

This code sends user a message with button to skip this step, and registers function get_return_date(), that waits for a date value. Message
And if user clicks the button, query handler register another function get_adults(), that waits for numeric value:

@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: == "one_way")
def is_one_way(call):
    msg = bot.send_message(,
                           '✅Хорошо. Сколько взрослых (пассажиров старше 12-ти лет на момент полёта) полетят 🤵👩‍💼?')
    bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, get_adults)

And, trouble is that – if user clicks the button to skip, both get_return_date() and get_adults() are waiting for a value and work at one time:

Any ideas what should i do?



  1. You can do this:

    bot.send_chat_action(, 'typing')
     msg = bot.send_message(, '✅Хорошо. Теперь введите дату возвращения: (you can skip this passage with /skip)')
     bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, get_return_date)
    def get_retourn_date(message):
        if message.text == '/skip':
        # write here the actual function code
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  2. i use query callbacks and i put this func at the begining of the callback:


    u can use it like this

    def gen_markup():
      markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup()
      markup.row_width = 1
      markup.add(InlineKeyboardButton("Button 1", callback_data="one"),
                 InlineKeyboardButton("Button 2", callback_data="two"))
    def ButtonOneFunc(message):
       #do whatever u want here
    def ButtonTwoFunc(message):
       #do whatever u want here
    @bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
    def callback_query(call):
      if == "one":
        sent= bot.reply_to(call.message, "This is Button 1")  
        bot.register_next_step_handler(sent, ButtonOneFunc) 
      elif == "two":
        sent= bot.reply_to(call.message, "This is Button 2")
        bot.register_next_step_handler(sent, ButtonTwoFunc)

    what will happen here is, whenever the user will click a button, it will clear all next_register_handler that were open
    and then enter the new and set the handler which the user clicked on

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