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I wrote a program that automatically sends messages in a telegram group. I use the following code:

import telebot

chat_id = '-123'
API_KEY = '12345'
bot = telebot.TeleBot(API_KEY)

text = 'Hello world!'
bot.send_message(chat_id, text=text)


And it works perfectly. However, whenever I run the exact same code on my old laptop, it does not work. Does anyone knows what I am doing wrong?

I used the command ‘pip install telebot’ on both laptops.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    On my old laptop I had the newest version (4.0.0), that one did not work.

    pip install pyTelegramBotAPI==3.8.2

    fixed it for me.

  2. I can see two possible issues:

    1. You didn’t terminate a telebot session on your new notebook while starting it on old one;
    2. Actually, telebot should be installed by ‘pip intall pytelegrambotapi’…
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  3. your bot is not being triggered by anything. (command, regex etc)


    def start_handler(message):
       bot.send_message(, "Hello"
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