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I have a function in python to extract data from an api response in json format. i want to extract ['attributes']['value'] of the ['Brand code'] from the response, but i get this error

ERROR:root:Update caused error list indices must be integers or slices, not str

Api response:

"total": 143,
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"inStock": true,
"name": "طقم ولادي",
"nameTranslated": {
"ar": "طقم ولادي",
"en": ""
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"url": "!/Tqm-wldy/p/468690345",
"created": "2022-05-26 13:31:42 +0000",
"updated": "2022-05-26 13:31:42 +0000",
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"updateTimestamp": 1653571902,
"productClassId": 0,
"enabled": true,
"options": [
"type": "RADIO",
"name": "عدد القطع بالسيري",
"nameTranslated": {
"ar": "عدد القطع بالسيري",
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"choices": [
"text": "10",
"textTranslated": {
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"priceModifier": 0,
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"defaultChoice": 0,
"required": false
"type": "RADIO",
"name": "سعر القطعة",
"nameTranslated": {
"ar": "سعر القطعة",
"en": ""
"choices": [
"text": "$17",
"textTranslated": {
"ar": "$17",
"en": ""
"priceModifier": 0,
"priceModifierType": "ABSOLUTE"
"defaultChoice": 0,
"required": false
"type": "RADIO",
"name": "العمر",
"nameTranslated": {
"ar": "العمر",
"en": ""
"choices": [
"text": "1 - 10",
"textTranslated": {
"ar": "1 - 10",
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"description": "<p><span style="font-size: 20px;">تشكيلة واسعة من افضل ماركات ملابس الاطفال التركية المصنعة من أجود أنواع الأقمشة ويمكنكم الشراء بسهولة و بأفضل أسعار الجملة.</span></p>",
"descriptionTranslated": {
"ar": "<p><span style="font-size: 20px;">تشكيلة واسعة من افضل ماركات ملابس الاطفال التركية المصنعة من أجود أنواع الأقمشة ويمكنكم الشراء بسهولة و بأفضل أسعار الجملة.</span></p>",
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"categoryIds": [
"categories": [
"id": 127918543,
"enabled": true
"id": 127508562,
"enabled": true
"id": 127443595,
"enabled": true
"defaultCategoryId": 127443595,
"seoTitle": "أطفال / ولادي",
"seoDescription": "ملابس أطفال ولادي - طقم ولادي",
"favorites": {
"count": 0,
"displayedCount": "0"
"attributes": [
"id": 119748758,
"name": "Brand code",
"nameTranslated": {
"ar": "Brand code",
"en": ""
"value": "239041117",
"valueTranslated": {
"ar": "239041117",
"en": ""
"show": "DESCR",
"type": "BRAND"
"id": 119748757,
"name": "ملاحظة",
"nameTranslated": {
"ar": "ملاحظة",
"en": ""
"value": "اختيار الألوان يتم عند البدء بتجهيز الطلبية",
"valueTranslated": {
"ar": "اختيار الألوان يتم عند البدء بتجهيز الطلبية",
"en": ""
"show": "DESCR",
"type": "UPC"
"files": [],
"relatedProducts": {
"productIds": [],
"relatedCategory": {
"enabled": false,
"categoryId": 0,
"productCount": 5
"combinations": [],
"dimensions": {
"length": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0
"shippingPreparationTime": {},
"showDeliveryTimeInStorefront": false,
"volume": 0,
"showOnFrontpage": 98,
"isSampleProduct": false,
"googleItemCondition": "NEW",
"isGiftCard": false,
"discountsAllowed": true,
"subtitle": "السعر المعروض للسيري كامل",
"subtitleTranslated": {
"ar": "السعر المعروض للسيري كامل",
"en": ""
"nameYourPriceEnabled": false,
"subscriptionSettings": {
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"recurringChargeSettings": [
"recurringInterval": "MONTH",
"recurringIntervalCount": 1
"googleProductCategory": 166,
"googleProductCategoryName": "Apparel & Accessories",
"productCondition": "NEW",
"outOfStockVisibilityBehaviour": "HIDE" }

The function:

def listProducts(data):
    for item in data['items']:
        global cout
        name = item['name']
        seoName = item['seoTitle']
        price = item['price']
        itemUrl = item['url']
        ImageUrl = item['imageUrl']
        BrandCode = item['attributes']['value']

        custom_keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Open", url=itemUrl)]]
        reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard)
        content = bot.send_photo(chat_id=chatId, photo=ImageUrl, caption=f"{name} - {seoName} - {BrandCode}  n <b>${price}</b>", parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML, reply_markup=reply_markup)

        cout += 1
        if cout == 20:
            cout = 0

    return content



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I found the answer by trying. all i had to do is put a selector like this: BrandCode = item['attributes'][0]['value'] the zero is the selector.

  2. If you’re using an error handler with your Dispatcher/Application, make sure that it can actually show the full traceback. You can use e.g. an error handler based on this example. If you don’t use an error handle, the full traceback will be logged by python-telegram-bot by default.

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