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Context and Explaination

I am doing a telegram bot, and i want to add the excape char "" before every "_" char that is not in a username (a word starting with "@") like "@username_", to prevent some markdown errors (in fact in telegram the "_" char is used to make a string italic).

So, for example, having this string:

"hello i like this char _ write me lol_ @myusername_"

i want to be matched only the first two "_" chars but not the third


what’s the correct way to do this with a regex pattern?

Expected Conditions and Matching

Condition Match
"_" alone: ("_") YES
"_" in a word without "@": ("lol_") YES
"_" in a word starting with "@": ("@username_") NO
"_" in a word containing "@" after the "@": ("lol@username_") NO
"_" in a word containing "@" before the "@": ("lol_@username") YES
"_" in a world like: ("lol_@username_") first: YES second: NO

What i have tried

so far i arrived at this, but it does not work properly:



I also want that in this string: "lol_@username_" the first char "_" to be matched



  1. I assume you only care about @ being at the start of a word. You can use re.sub along with replace and (?:s|^)[^@]S+b to match the words that fit your spec:

    import re
    s = "hello i like this char _ write me lol_ @myusername_ asd@_a @_asdf"
    s = re.sub(r"(?:s|^)[^@]S*b", lambda x:"_", r"_"), s)
    print(s) # => hello i like this char _ write me lol_ @myusername_ asd@_a @_asdf

    If you care about @ appearing anywhere in a word, try (?:s|^)[^@s]+b:

    s = "he_llo i like this char _ write me lol_ @myusername_ asd@_a @_asdf"
    s = re.sub(r"(?:s|^)[^@s]+b", lambda x:"_", r"_"), s)
    print(s) # => he_llo i like this char _ write me lol_ @myusername_ asd@_a @_asdf

    Per OP comment, sounds like the latest spec is to escape _ that are anywhere except after @ in a word:

    >>> s = "he_llo i lol_@username_ _ write me lol_ @myusername_ asd@_a @_asdf"
    >>> re.sub(r"(?:s|^)[^@]+@", lambda x:"_", r"_"), s)
    'he\_llo i lol\_@username_ \_ write me lol\_ @myusername_ asd@_a @_asdf'
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  2. Extract with PyPi regex library:

    import regex
    string = "hello i like this char _ write me lol_ @myusername_"
    print(regex.findall(r'(?<!S)@w+(*SKIP)(*F)|_', string))
    # ['_', '_']

    See Python proof.


      (?<!                     look behind to see if there is not:
        S                       non-whitespace (all but n, r, t, f,
                                 and " ")
      )                        end of look-behind
      @                        '@'
      w+                      word characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) (1 or
                               more times (matching the most amount  possible))
      (*SKIP)(*F)              skip the match, search from the failure location
      |                        or
      _                        a '_' char

    Remove with re:

    import re
    string = "hello i like this char _ write me lol_ @myusername_"
    print(re.sub(r'(?<!S)(@w+)|_', r'1', string))
    # hello i like this char  write me lol @myusername_

    See Python proof.

    Replace with re:

    import re
    string = "hello i like this char _ write me lol_ @myusername_"
    print(re.sub(r'(?<!S)(@w+)|_', lambda x: or "-", string))
    # hello i like this char - write me lol- @myusername_

    See another Python proof.

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  3. You could match all non whitspace chars after matching @ and capture the _ in a group using an alternation. If the callback of re.sub, check if group 1 exists.

    If it does, return an escaped underscore or the excaped group 1 value (which is also an underscore), else return the match to leave it unchanged.


    Regex demo

    import re
    strings = [
    for s in strings:
        result = re.sub(
            lambda x:"_", r"_") if else,


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  4. Based on @OlvinRoght’s comment, with a small edit, this should do the trick:



    Code example

    import re
    text = '_hi hello i like this char _ write me lol_ _word something_ @myusername_ something_@username_'
    regex = r"((?:^|s)(?:[^@s]*?))(_)((?:[^@s]*?))(?=@|s|$)"
    # Leave the first and last capturing group as-is and replace the underscore with '_'
    subst = "\1\\_\3"
    print( re.sub(regex, subst, text) )

    Expected output:

    _hi hello i like this char _ write me lol_ _word something_ @myusername_ something_@username_


    See it live


    Although this works, @TheFourthBird’s answer is faster. (And more elegant I think.)

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