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Can I do this using notepad++ ?

Bnnr - Details : 
Name : Top90
Size : 468 x 60
file :
Telegram : @BannerDesigner
Phone : +989014131211

Bnnr - Details : 
Name : Frootel
Size : 468 x 60
file :
Telegram : @BannerDesigner
Phone : +989014131211


12 - Bnnr - Details : 
Name : Top90
Size : 468 x 60
file :
Telegram : @BannerDesigner
Phone : +989014131211

13 - Bnnr - Details : 
Name : Frootel
Size : 468 x 60
file :
Telegram : @BannerDesigner
Phone : +989014131211

For example starting point is 12 ,

So i want to add increment counter for each specific phrase.



  1. Look for an existing answer before posting, please.
    Notepad++ incrementally replace

    TL;DR – in notepad++ no, you cannot, but you can in Sublime or TextPad etc.

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  2. Yes, this can be done within current funcionality and without requiring extra plugins or tools.

    1. Place at the beginning of the record and press Edit->Column Editor (Alt+C)
    2. Use: “Number to insert”, Initial number => 12, Increase by => 1, Repeat => 7 (7 is because of the number of lines for every record)
    3. You’ll get this result

      12Bnnr - Details : 
      12Name : Top90
      12Size : 468 x 60
      12file :
      12Telegram : @BannerDesigner
      12Phone : +989014131211
      13Bnnr - Details : 
      13Name : Frootel
      13Size : 468 x 60
      13file :
      13Telegram : @BannerDesigner
      13Phone : +989014131211
    4. Now we will remove the numbers that are not needed. Launch search and replace. Mark the ‘regular expressions’ and Search: ^d++(?!Bnnr - Details), Replace by (nothing). You will get:

      12Bnnr - Details : 
      Name : Top90
      Size : 468 x 60
      file :
      Telegram : @BannerDesigner
      Phone : +989014131211
      13Bnnr - Details : 
      Name : Frootel
      Size : 468 x 60
      file :
      Telegram : @BannerDesigner
      Phone : +989014131211
    5. Now, fix the first line. Search ^(d++)(?=Bnnr - Details), replace by 1 - to get the final result:

      12 - Bnnr - Details : 
      Name : Top90
      Size : 468 x 60
      file :
      Telegram : @BannerDesigner
      Phone : +989014131211
      13 - Bnnr - Details : 
      Name : Frootel
      Size : 468 x 60
      file :
      Telegram : @BannerDesigner
      Phone : +989014131211

    Bear in mind that you can merge steps 4 & 5 within a single click using notepad macros. So you can apply the same thing later more easily. For example:

    Procedure while recording a macro

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