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I’m writing a Telegram bot in Julia and I can’t figure out how to send files correctly.

I’ve seen similar questions for other languages but it wasn’t helpful.

Currently, I have such function:

function sendDoc(chat, fileName::String)
    file = open(fileName)
    url = string(base_url, "sendDocument")
    mp = HTTP.Multipart(basename(fileName), file)
    query = Dict("chat_id" => chat); query=query, files=Dict("document" => mp))


I try it on a simple test.txt file with the content abc so the size of a file or it’s name can’t be a reason for any errors.

What I get from it (and also in case if I use file instead of mp) is an HTTP 400 error (I removed some parts for privacy purposes):

ERROR: LoadError: HTTP.ExceptionRequest.StatusError(400, "POST", "/bot/sendDocument?chat_id=", HTTP.Messages.Response(v"1.1.0", 400, Pair{SubString{String},SubString{String}}["Server" => "nginx/1.16.1", "Date" => "Thu, 12 Mar 2020 GMT", "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Content-Length" => "94", "Connection" => "keep-alive", "Strict-Transport-Security" => "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" => "Content-Length,Content-Type,Date,Server,Connection"], UInt8[0x7b, 0x22, 0x6f, 0x6b, 0x22, 0x3a, 0x66, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x73  …  0x20, 0x72, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x22, 0x7d], HTTP.Messages.Request("POST", "/bot/sendDocument?chat_id=", v"1.1.0", Pair{SubString{String},SubString{String}}["Host" => "", "User-Agent" => "HTTP.jl/1.3.1", "Content-Length" => "0"], UInt8[], HTTP.Messages.Response(#= circular reference @-2 =#), 1, nothing)))

I also tried putting mp or file in body instead of files but then I get the following:

┌ Info: Error in @async writebody task. Server likely closed the connection unexpectedly. Only an issue if unable to read the response and this error gets re-thrown. 
│   exception =
│    MethodError: no method matching write(::HTTP.Streams.Stream{HTTP.Messages.Response,HTTP.ConnectionPool.Transaction{MbedTLS.SSLContext}}, ::Pair{String,IOStream})
│    Closest candidates are:
│      write(::IO, ::Any) at io.jl:582
│      write(::IO, ::Any, ::Any...) at io.jl:584
│      write(::IO, ::Complex) at complex.jl:217

Including the file in query is also something I could try but then it would be in the URL and I’d be very limited in file size.

The 400 error looks the same as if it would be missing a field, so I assume that Telegram can’t see the Dict("document" => mp), but at the same time error includes UInt8[0x7b, … 0x7d] which looks like the contents of the file. How do I make it right?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Turns out, it's not HTTP.Multipart that I needed, it's HTTP.Form.

    The following function works:

    function sendDoc(chat, fileName::String)
        url = string(base_url, "sendDocument")
        file = open(fileName)
        query = Dict("chat_id" => chat), query=query; body=HTTP.Form(Dict("document" => file)))

  2. Let’s say you have a photo in your directory "Foto.jpg". To send a photo, you would need this:

    fileName = "Foto.jpg"
    url_photo = string("",bot_token,"/sendPhoto")
    file = open(fileName)
    query = Dict("chat_id" => bot_manu), query=query; body=HTTP.Form(Dict("photo" => file)))

    Where ‘bot_manu’ should be your chat id, ‘bot_token’ is the bot id token. Hope this helps for those who wanted to send a photo. To get ‘bot_manu’ and ‘bot_token’ I used BotFather.

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  3. If you want to, you may use Telegram.jl package, which in particular includes support for document and images sending.

    You can do it like this

    using Telegram, Telegram.API
    tg = TelegramClient(bot_token; chat_id = chat)
    open("picture.png", "r") do io
      sendPhoto(photo = io)

    Here bot_token and chat are bot token and chat id.

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