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i wrote this program :

import scrapetube
import hashlib
import telegram
import requests
import json
from pytube import YouTube

from time import sleep
import os

bot_token = 'my token'
bot_chatID = '@PinkPanthersShow'

bot = telegram.Bot(token=f'{bot_token}')
c_videos = scrapetube.get_channel("UC1fIyfhQtm1fSljyKBf2uKA")
videos = list()
for video in c_videos:
def upload_video(title, desc):
    bot.send_video(chat_id=bot_chatID, video=open(fr'{title}.mp4', 'rb'),caption=f"{desc}", supports_streaming=True)
for i in list(range(len(videos))):
    yt = YouTube(videos[i])
    print(f"{yt.title} : {videos[i]}")
    ys = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()
    upload_video(str(yt.title), str(yt.description))
#print (list(videos)[0])

When my program gets to the video The Pink Panther Show Episode 4 – Dial" P "for Pink:, it gives this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 43, in <module>
    upload_video(str(yt.title), str(yt.description))
  File "", line 37, in upload_video
    bot.send_video(chat_id=bot_chatID, video=open(fr'{title}.mp4', 'rb'),caption=f"{desc}", supports_streaming=True)
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'The Pink Panther Show Episode 4 - Dial "P" for Pink.mp4'

What can I do to avoid this error?



  1. If you want To send All videos Of a Youtube channel to telegram, you can use ytt, which is a module I have written:

    If you want to use an app , You can use ytt app, but if you want to use it in python, you can use ytt module, example:

    pip install ytt

    python app:

    from ytt import ytt
    # :)

    More information:

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  2.     from pytube import YouTube
        from telebot import TeleBot
        yt = YouTube("")
        video = yt.streams.filter(file_extension="mp4").get_by_resolution("360p").download("./tmp")
        bot = TeleBot("Telegram Token")
        bot.send_video(230967203, open(video, 'rb'))
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