I have tried sending message to a telegram channel using Telegram’s BOT API with Python 3.11.0.
At first I have tried making the channel Public and the code worked fine:
import requests
# Replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN with your actual bot token
bot_token = BOT_API_KEY
# Replace YOUR_CHAT_ID with the chat ID of the recipient
chat_id = '@testme100'
# The message you want to send
text = 'Hello, world!'
# The URL for the Telegram Bot API
url = f'https://api.telegram.org/bot{bot_token}/sendMessage'
# The data to be sent in the POST request
data = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'text': text}
# Send the POST request
response = requests.post(url, data=data)
# Check the response status code
if response.status_code == 200:
print('Message sent successfully.')
print(f'Error sending message: {response.text}')
But then I thought of making it private channel and changed the Channel ID:
The URL is : https://t.me/+vMjFCXBghv00NDZl
and I thought the text ahead of +
is the channel ID, so I changed the chat_id = '@vMjFCXBghv00NDZl'
But now it’s not sending the messages to the channel. When I make it public again then it works fine.
The error I received = Error sending message: {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: chat not found"}
The invite link is not the same as the
.Public channels do allow sending messages using the
, but that’s not a replacement of thechat_id
, that will still work.To send messages from the bot to the private channel, you can only use the
.There are tons of ways of getting this, I always forward a message from the channel to an echo bot (one that just response with the json from Telegram).
(For example, this bot: https://t.me/chatIDrobot, the first you find if you search for ‘echo bot’)
Then use the ID provided to send messages
If anyone is still wondering,
send_message(int(channel_id), "message")
works absolutely fine withchannel_id = "-100123456789"
channel_id = "123456789"