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I need to send a photo album in a bundle to the telegram bot. The number of photos is unknown in advance.
I wrote the code:

List<IAlbumInputMedia> streamArray = new List<IAlbumInputMedia> {};
 foreach (var formFile in files)
                if (formFile.Length > 0)
                    using var stream = formFile.OpenReadStream();
                    streamArray.Add(stream); // there is a mistake here. cannot convert to System.IO.Stream to Telegram.Bot.Types.IAlbumInputmedia
                    //await clientTg.SendPhotoAsync(groupId,stream); // it works fine
            await clientTg.SendMediaGroupAsync(groupId, streamArray);

I can’t add stream to List arrayStream, error "cannot convert to System.IO.Stream to Telegram.Bot.Types.IAlbumInputmedia"
In a single instance, the stream is normally sent via the SendPhotoAsync method, commented out in the code.
How do I convert these types and send a group photo?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    @Vadim's answer didn't work, probably because I can't Add in this case. But their answer did push me in the right direction. I decided to write code for a different number of photos of different branches of the program.

    if (files.Count == 2) // <<<< 2 photos
        await using var stream1 = files[0].OpenReadStream();
        await using var stream2 = files[1].OpenReadStream();
        IAlbumInputMedia[] streamArray =
            new InputMediaPhoto(new InputMedia(stream1, "111"))
                Caption = "Cap 111"
            new InputMediaPhoto(new InputMedia(stream2, "222"))
                Caption = "Cap 222"
        await clientTg.SendMediaGroupAsync(groupId, streamArray);

    I'm not sure that I'm using await using correctly, but at least it works.

  2. According to the docs:

    Message[] messages = await botClient.SendMediaGroupAsync(
        chatId: chatId,
        media: new IAlbumInputMedia[]
            new InputMediaPhoto(""),
            new InputMediaPhoto(""),

    You must explicitly set the type of files.

    In your case it will be like:

    streamArray.Add(new InputMediaPhoto(stream, $"file{DateTime.Now.ToString("s").Replace(":", ".")}")
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