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I’m developing APIs for an exam project, but I wanted their responses to be consistently using a wrapping class on all of them (Telegram Bot API style for those who know them).

So, for example, having these two classes:

public class User {
    public int id;
    public String name;

public class Item {
    public int id;
    public String itemName;
    public User owner;

What Spring returns to me is this output:

    "id": 1,
    "itemName": "theItem",
    "owner": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "theUser"

What I want instead is for this output to be returned:

    "ok": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "itemName": "theItem",
        "owner": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "theUser"

Maybe using a class wrapper like this:

public class ResponseWrapper<T> {
    public boolean ok;
    public T data;

Is it possible to do this?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I thank @JustinMathew for the help, at the end, in my case (using Spring WebFlux with Kotlin), the ResponseBodyResultHandler class was more useful to me.

    // File: /MicroserviceApplication.kt
    class MicroserviceApplication {
        lateinit var serverCodecConfigurer: ServerCodecConfigurer
        lateinit var requestedContentTypeResolver: RequestedContentTypeResolver
        fun responseWrapper(): ResponseWrapper = ResponseWrapper(
            serverCodecConfigurer.writers, requestedContentTypeResolver
    // File: /wrapper/model/Response.kt 
    data class Response<T>(
        val ok: Boolean,
        val data: T?,
        val error: Error? = null
    ) {
        data class Error(
            val value: HttpStatus,
            val message: String?
    // File: /wrapper/ResponseWrapper.kt
    class ResponseWrapper(writers: List<HttpMessageWriter<*>>, resolver: RequestedContentTypeResolver) :
        ResponseBodyResultHandler(writers, resolver) {
        override fun supports(result: HandlerResult): Boolean =
            (result.returnType.resolve() ==
                    || (result.returnType.resolve() ==
        override fun handleResult(exchange: ServerWebExchange, result: HandlerResult): Mono<Void> {
            val body = when (val value = result.returnValue) {
                is Mono<*> -> value
                is Flux<*> -> value.collectList()
                else -> throw ClassCastException("The "body" should be Mono<*> or Flux<*>!")
            .map { r -> Response(true, r, null) }
            .onErrorMap { e ->
                    if (e !is Response.Error)
                        Response.Error(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Internal Server Error")
                    else e
            .onErrorResume { e -> Mono.just(Response(false, null, e as Response.Error)) }
            return writeBody(body, returnType, exchange)
        companion object {
            private fun methodForReturnType(): Mono<Response<Any>>? = null
            private val returnType: MethodParameter = MethodParameter(
      "methodForReturnType"), -1

    Edit: I made of this answer a library for Spring WebFlux 2.7.3 here.

    P.S. I also took a cue from this other question, which faces the same problem but with Java.

  2. I understand you need a global setting to convert all your responses into a standard one. For this you can implement ResponseBodyAdvice and have a common structure for all your api responses. Refer this link for a detailed example

    Edit: For spring-webflux you can extend ResponseBodyResultHandler and override handleResult. An example is given in this answer

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