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I’m using the node-telegram-bot-api module,
How can I make my keyboard to inline Keyboard?
This is my code:

bot.onText(/^/start$/, function (msg) {
    const opts = {
        reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
        reply_markup: {
            resize_keyboard: true,
            one_time_keyboard: true,
            keyboard: [ ['Level 1'] ]

    bot.sendMessage(, "I'm a test robot", opts);



  1. I answered a question similar to this link: How can create menu for telegram bot in bot father?

    in your case you could use:

    keyboard: [["uno :+1:"],["uno ud83dudc4d", "due"],["uno", "due","tre"],["uno", "due","tre","quattro"]]
    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. In your case the solution would be:

    const opts = {
            reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
            reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
                [{text: 'Level 1'}],
    Login or Signup to reply.
  3. You could use:

    The library if focused on Telegraf, but you could use without it.

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  4. You just need to provide an InlineKeyboardButton object instead of plain text in your keyboard array of arrays.

    bot.onText(/^/start$/, function (msg) {
        const opts = {
            reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
            reply_markup: {
                resize_keyboard: true,
                one_time_keyboard: true,
                keyboard: [
                  [{text: 'Level 1'}],
        bot.sendMessage(, "I'm a test robot", opts);
    Login or Signup to reply.
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