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have a problem with telegram bot. Bot is in 5 groups. Sending works fine to 4 groups. Bot can’t send any message to 1 group and don’t understand why.

Any help / idea please?
Bot is in all groups of course.

$data = [
'chat_id' => '-11223344556677889900',
'text' => "TEST"
$response = file_get_contents("$apiToken/sendMessage?" . http_build_query($data) ); 



  1. The document does not mention but i have been using 1 bot to send messages to 10 groups. it works normally.
    There is no limit to the number of groups the bot can send messages . lease double check the group id.

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  2. I had same problems, solve it:

    1. test send http-request direct from browser:<tocken>/sendMessage?text=%27test%27&chat_id=@channel_name
    1. prepare args and request ‘manually’:
    function build_args($arr){
       $str = '';
       foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
          $str .= "$key=$val&";
       return rtrim($str,'&');
    $data = array('chat_id' => $channel, 'text' => $msg, 'parse_mode'=>'Markdown');
    $easy_query = build_args($data);
            $req = $url_bot."/sendMessage?".$easy_query;
    return json_decode( file_get_contents($req), true);
    1. Anywhere if you will have a working step 1 then try to create same request in php
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